Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Traffic Generation - Article Marketing And Forum Marketing

What do you know about getting website traffic? Is it something that is hard to do for you, or are you proficient with it? Most people online struggle to get a lot of traffic to their website, when getting traffic is as easy as pie. In today's lesson, I want to share with you some tips that you can use to get traffic to your website simply and easily.
Now some of the strategies that I will mention are things that you have probably heard of before. But maybe they didn't work fast enough for you, or maybe you got a lot of traffic but no sales from your advertising. No matter what the situation is, you should know that you can make things work and get lots of targeted traffic to your website simply and easily.
Here's the first tip that I would like to show you when it comes to getting more traffic to your website simply and easily:
1) Article marketing
I love article marketing. It's a great way to build brand recognition in your niche, and is a great way to get traffic also. There are a lot of article directories on the internet, but you will stand to benefit from the top 3 article directories on the internet. They will bring you the majority of your traffic.
When doing article marketing, you will want to write high quality articles. Keep your articles over 500+ words, and be sure to submit your articles on a daily basis. You have to look at it as your job. You have to put in the work to see the results that you are looking for.
There are some people online who have written over 10,000 articles. And guess what? This STILL isn't enough. I read online that the University of Phoenix Online had over 250,000 articles on their website. Now compare this number to a measly 500 articles. Can you see the chasm here?
Here's another way to get traffic to your website:
2) Forum marketing
I'm very active in the forums online. I make my forum posts, answer questions people have, respond to my email messages, and build relationships with people. It's a great way to meet people, to help people, and to get traffic in return for your marketing efforts. I think you should do the same thing also.
Do a simple Google search and look for forums in your niche. You will more than likely find a ton of them. Join a few of these forums and participate. Leave your website information to the signature section of your forum posts. If a forum doesn't allow for links in the signature area of your posts... don't join it.
These 2 traffic strategies work incredibly well. I still use both till this day and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Both can allow you to be perceived as an expert in your niche, and it's something that you can earn a lot of money from. Trust me, I would know.
Good luck with using these 2 traffic tips to earn more money online.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here:

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