Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Are You Using PPV Marketing? Here's Why You Should

If you are looking for home based business tips that will help you make money online as well as solving your marketing problems, you should really find out how to utilize PPV marketing when starting a home business. PPV stands for pay per view marketing and it is a type of marketing that is very intriguing. It has become a popular method for internet marketers to obtain targeted traffic in order to get the word out about their products and services as fast as possible. This type of traffic getting method is extremely cheap when compared against traditional PPC marketing.
For example, on a site like Google you could easily wind up paying $5 for every click you receive from your advertising. In contrast when using PPV marketing you only pay when someone views your site. Typically a view can cost as little as $0.01 if you are using what are known as RON ads which are less targeted, and if you are focused on keywords a competitive keyword can cost $0.10 a view up to $0.15 a view. I'm sure you can see that this is a tiny amount to get quality views coming into your site. Everyone knows marketing is one of the biggest issues to address when starting a home business!
As a result of the cheap pricing, you can expect to receive tons of traffic to your website upon activating your campaign and it is known to show up at an extremely quick pace. People have been known to get 500 or more leads in one day once a campaign goes live!
One of the easiest ways to profit from PPV advertising is by sending the traffic to free Cost Per Action offers. If you are looking for some extra ways to make money from home, this is one of the strategies I would highly recommend if you asked me for any home business tips that could make you money quickly.
If you decide to drive PPV traffic to Cost Per Action offers you will want to focus on email submit and short form submit offers which pay you around $1.50 or so per every email that is submitted by a subscriber when showing interest in one of your free offers such as a $1000 Best Buy Gift card, or a $1000 Walmart Card. If you work this type of campaign properly, people have been known to make around $200 to $500 a day. There are some marketers who have been known to make around $1000 a day!
If you are just starting out, you know that your website will need a large amount of traffic. With this type of marketing that is exactly what you get. An extreme amount of traffic obtained at very cheap rates. You will need to know what you are doing because you can easily spend your money quickly if you are not careful. That is why I recommend a course called PPV3x Cash Method by Scott James. It really helped me with building profitable PPV campaigns and it will simplify the whole process for you.
You can have really good success even as a total newbie if you follow every thing that is taught within the course. The main thing you will need is a publisher account with a CPA company such as, an account with a PPV company such as, a lead capture page to market your CPA offers and an autoresponder to keep sending CPA offers to your prospects on complete autopilot.
Khalil Bashir is a writer on home business topics. If you are starting a home based business please view my website to get regularly updated home based business tips and ideas. Go to

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