Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Spotting The Early Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause

Before entering the menopausal stage, there are various symptoms that a woman may experience. This transition in a woman's life may be experienced when she reaches 40 years old and above. However, there are cases wherein one may experience it even before the age of 40 and this is due to some reasons.
One of the most common symptoms of an upcoming menopause is the missed menstrual period. This is greatly affected by the hormonal imbalance which causes the ovaries to stop producing eggs to be ovulated during menstrual cycle. Estrogen level drops down during this phase of a woman's life resulting to many unexpected changes.
In the early stage of menopause, a female may experience a heavy bleeding during her period or a light one. She may also experience a very early menstrual period rather than the usual or a very late one. These changes may cause also to the changes of the pre menstrual syndrome and other effects. One may observe some alteration of the regularity of PMS and the like. She may experience severe menstrual cramps and other effects.
Changes in the attitude and severe exhaustion are several of the symptoms as well. Due to the imbalanced hormones and the decreasing count of estrogen in the reproductive system, the emotional condition of a woman could be affected resulting to changes in attitude and lose of temper from time to time. When not alleviated, this condition may get worse. Another indicator of initial menopause is when one begins to feel some warm sparks in her body that may cause soreness of the face. This condition is also a result of the changes in the hormonal count.
A woman will apparently experience serious exhaustion, nervousness, and stress. Menopause may likewise bring a disturbance in sleep and great depression that will consume one's energy. Because estrogen count decreases, one may have a sudden hair growth due to the active testosterone. Other situation brings thinning of hair or hair fall on the other hand. Other symptoms include lack of sleep which could result to insomnia, vaginal dryness, and reduction of sexual drive.
All women will have menopausal symptoms at some stage during their life, the vast majority in their forties or later but some can experience them in their twenties so it is vitally important that the early signs of menopause are recognized so treatment can begin at the earliest opportunity.
If you would like to know more about menopause then check out this great Remedies For Menopause site or this Menopause Treatment blog for more tips and ideas.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7141992

Getting Through the Menopause

Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have reported that in the countries where women's status improves with age, there are less incidents of hot flushes, and other short-term effects of menopause.
Why then do some women suffer debilitating symptoms over a number of years?
Hormonal changes that take place.
For most of a woman's life hormonal messengers have flooded into the bloodstream and stimulated the ovaries to produce mature eggs, which in turn produced oestrogen and progesterone. After menopause, there are no more eggs to respond to these messengers so the pituitary gland tries to compensate by sending huge amounts of FSH and LH to awaken the dormant ovaries.
While these adjustments take place, some women suffer hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, mild depression, insomnia, loss of confidence, reduced sex drive, weight gain and panic attacks.
And, yes some may find their short-term memory is letting them down. This does not need to be forever, not unless you allow the subconscious mind to think it is.
The subconscious has no sense of humour. Tell it often enough that the memory is failing it will eventually oblige and make sure it does just that.
Menopause is a normal human cycle: it is the end of the reproductions years but it is also the beginning of many years of empowerment and a new period of usefulness. It is a time when women can pass on the wisdom they have spent a lifetime learning and developing. Now they are matriarchs, leaders and advises of the family.
I liken the woman's life cycle to the cycle of the butterfly. The early years are like the caterpillar busily bearing children, attending to family and social matters, and pursuing careers, and then it is time to go into the cocoon rest up a bit. This period of change is only a short time, and then there emerges from the cocoon a beautiful butterfly.
It is only one opinion that, when the reproductive years are over, the bones crumble, you lose your marbles, your waistline and your sex appeal.
Be gentle with yourself while you are in the cocoon. If you can't recall something, give yourself time to bring it to mind. Remind yourself "I know this, it will come to me in a minute" and it will. Sounds too simple? Good. That's all the more reason to do it. What have you got to lose?
Menopause is not an illness. It is a time of change. Embrace it and know that soon you will move on to the next exciting phase of your life. Focus on the stories about women who study for degrees, travel the world or write books in their butterfly years. They are no different from the rest of us, except maybe in the belief they have in themselves.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6991487

Tips For Choosing The Best Natural Menopause Treatment

Expert Author Caroline Bourke

When a woman is in the menopausal stage, they opt to choose what procedure may help them to alleviate the pains caused by the symptoms. Several may just ignore whereas the others resort to the use of medications and treatments. Other women are fighting it through the use of herbs which were used even before science formulated the technology. Nevertheless, no matter what type of procedure a woman chooses to adapt, it is alright so long as she can overcome the menopause symptoms with less discomfort. On the other hand, in spite of the quite number of treatment, there still no guaranteed effective way for they may still cause effects that are beyond the influence of the mentioned medications. The different types of medication will be discussed in the succeeding paragraph.
A medication that is proven useful is change in lifestyle. Planning a routine with regular exercise is best in order to maintain a healthy body. It is well known that exercising promotes many benefits. A mixture of aerobic and anaerobic exercise will be essential in order to fight the risk of heart failures, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. This will enable you to concentrate more and be alert at all time. Exercise also prevents stress and insomnia. Adding up to the routine, panning a balance diet is effective as well. As you grow old, your body requires more nutritious food plus an intake of vitamins and minerals. It is known that menopause bring osteoporosis more closely to women that is why a lot of calcium intake is highly recommended by all experts.
A number of women have tried using anti-depressants in order to fight the effects of menopausal symptoms. Many may not agree but as what have been said, the symptoms of menopause and effects of a treatment vary from one woman to another. The dosage of an anti-depressant depends upon the intensity of the symptoms. Some account proves this to be effective for hot flashes, bad temper, and great depression. However, it is still best to consult a doctor before deciding to consume the drug. Women should not be abrupt of seeing the effects of the medication immediately because this will happen gradually.
Moreover, you should not decide on adapting a certain medication without the advice of a professional because instead of relief it may bring more harm to you. It is always wise to converse with your physician in order to learn what type of treatment is suitable to your condition.
It has been acknowledged that menopause is a normal occurrence as women grow old. However, there are symptoms associated with this condition that cannot be escaped though may be alleviated. With the use of many treatments available, you still have the chance to overcome menopause with comfort and ease. It is just a matter of choice and determination.
If you would like to know more about natural menopause treatments then check out this great blog about Herbal Remedies For Menopause or this great site about many different Menopause treatments. http://www.naturalmenopausetreatment.net.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7141971

10 Important Menopause Symptoms And Signs You Need To Watch For

Most of the time, women does not have enough knowledge over the things that are happening to them. Even with the changes in their bodies, they cannot grasp the meaning of it sometimes especially with the occurrence like menopause. The emergence of indicators such as excessive perspiring at night, warm or hot flashes, and exhaustion are sometimes being ignored by women until these symptoms worsen, then that is only the time they will learn about the subject menopause.
Similar to menstrual cycle, menopause is a normal occurrence that can happen to a woman when she reaches the age of 40 and beyond which signals that her womanhood will come to an end. The symptoms brought by this condition affect the physical, emotional, and psychological aspect of the body.
First off, let us classify the forms of menopause. The first phase is called peri-menopuase wherein the initial symptoms begin to inflict a woman. Secondly is the actual menopausal stage followed by the post menopause wherein the symptoms gradually fade until it ceases to exist.
Various symptoms and indicators are enumerated as follows:
Warm or hot flashes:
One of the most common and troubling indicator of an upcoming menopause is the hot flash which makes the body reddish eventually leading to excessive perspiring during the night. Some women may experience more severe sensation compared to others that could disturb their life subsequently.
Vaginal Dryness And Breast Sagging:
This conditions may include the following:
- Loss of moisture in the genitalia
- Declining support in the womb and pelvic area
- Sagging of breasts
Missed Menstrual Cycle:
This is the most evident early menopausal indicator wherein woman may not experience menstrual bleeding in a certain date. Lapses occur between periods however, conceiving a child is still possible in this phase.
Painful Intercourse:
This is true when a woman enters the menopausal stage due to the fluctuating hormones resulting to dryness. With this, the intercourse will be painful for her.
Disease and Infection:
As what gave been said, the fluctuating hormones cause the vagina to become more vulnerable especially to some infections including yeast infections. This brings painful urination too together with irritation and awful discharge in the genitals. So a good hygiene should be practiced all the time.
Frequent Urination:
You may not control your bladder when you are menopause because of the decreasing hormones again. The hormones serve as the protector of the tissues and organs in the reproductive system as well as to the adjacent organs like the bladder. Unfortunately when menopause comes, the organs will weaken and lose its original ability. Same with the bladder, as a woman aged, her bladder may not function well of controlling her urine resulting to spontaneous discharge or aching urination.
Bone Weakening:
It is known that during the menopausal stage, the bones of a woman weaken and may even lead to osteoporosis. This is again a result of the gradual decrease of the hormones. As they decrease, the rate of bone weakening and loss subsequently increases.
Menopause also affects the psychological aspect of the body affecting the function of the brain and may lead to memory gap.
If you would like to know more about menopause then check out this great blog http://herbalremediesformenopause.com or this Natural Menopause Treatment site for more tips and ideas.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7138396

Women's Aging and Menopause

Menopause is a common condition that women experience as they age. Menopause, the change of life, is a normal part of a women's life that can be different for each woman going through it. Greater than 50% of women will experience some form of menopause, slight or severe, during their lifetime. A few of the symptoms can be a dry vaginal, pain, hot flashes, depression, sleepless night and urinary infections. Not all women will have to experience menopause symptoms, and those that do can be treated with medications and supplements designed to be of help with this condition.
The female body is born with a specific number of eggs that are stored in the ovaries where estrogen and progesterone hormones are produced. Hormones are a natural substance that functions as messengers for the body. They travel throughout the body where they adhere to special cells and cause a chain of events. These hormones regulate menstruation and ovulation. Menopause occurs when the eggs are no longer released every month and menstruation stops.
As a woman ages, the body begins to lose its ability to produce estrogen, bringing on menopause. The loss of estrogen can also cause other conditions in the woman's body, like osteoporosis and heart disease. Estrogen helps in the building of new bone and the loss of it can hamper its rebuilding ability.
Menopause is considered a normal part of aging when it occurs after age 40. The average age of a woman having her last period, menopause, is 51. Some women experience menopause early due to surgery, such as hysterectomy, or damage from chemotherapy. Premature menopause can occur before the age of 40 and research has shown that smoking can be a factor in causing an early onset. The symptoms of menopause can last from a few months to several years and can result in discomfort, pain and confusion. Once menopause starts, the female body cannot get pregnant
Menopause occurs it three gradual stages; pre menopause, menopause and post menopause. On approaching menopause or postmenopausal, most women will experience hot flashes, a feeling of sudden warmth that spreads over the upper body (face, neck or chest) and is often accompanied by blushing and some sweating. The duration of hot flashes can last from less than a minute to longer than six minutes and can occur every hour or just occasionally. They can also cause the body to sweat. Half of the women experiencing menopause will have moderate to severe hot flashes during the first few years of the condition.
It will be a help if a record is kept of your periods, charting them as they become irregular. You might suspect the approach of menopause on your own, or your doctor can tell you based on your tests and recorded symptoms. It is important to discuss and understand the effects of the changes the body goes through during this time with your health care provider.
Help with the discomforts of menopause can be obtained through the use of ProEASE. ProEASE is a wild jam cream that is being used by women around the world in addressing PMS and other hormone related issues. This cream has been specifically formulated for younger women that are experiencing lighter PMS symptoms and are pre-menopausal. Users have experienced less PMS symptoms, reduced stress and increased vitality. It has been designed to work with the body to help achieve natural balance and assist in easing symptoms of fluctuating changes experienced throughout a woman's life.
Hormones are substances in our bodies that act like messengers. They travel throughout the body and can bind to specialized areas of cells known as receptor sites, where they then initiate a specific chain of events. The first half of the menstrual cycle is dominated by estrogen, whose role is to build the lining of the uterus in preparation for a potential pregnancy. At approximately day 14 of the cycle, or two weeks prior to menstruation, an egg is released from the ovaries. This is referred to as ovulation. Hormones are substances in our bodies that act like messengers. They travel throughout the body and can bind to specialized areas of cells known as receptor sites, where they then initiate a specific chain of events. The first half of the menstrual cycle is dominated by estrogen, whose role is to build the lining of the uterus in preparation for a potential pregnancy. At approximately day 14 of the cycle, or two weeks prior to menstruation, an egg is released from the ovaries. This is referred to as ovulation.
Evelyn and Don are co-owners of Ladies Hair Care By ED where they offer all natural organic and herbal supplements for hair,health and skin care. Visit them at http://www.ladieshaircarebyed.com and discover the quality products they have to offer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7153709

Using Herbs Can Help You Lose Weight During Menopause

Expert Author Janice M Bowles

Herbs for weight loss are a common subject of discussion among women who are going through menopause. Weight gain is a real issue for many menopausal women. Changes in hormone levels can decrease energy, increase appetite, and contribute to water retention, all of which can lead to excess weight, particularly centered around the mid-section.
There are many different potential methods for addressing this weight gain, among them herbs for menopause. Which herbs are most effective is a matter of some debate, but there are a few that are generally believed to counter the symptoms of menopause and could be a positive factor in losing weight. As with any treatment plan, you should always consult with your doctor before taking herbs or herbal supplements.
Among the herbs for weight loss most often mentioned are dandelion, chasteberry, black currant and black cohosh. All of these herbs have been used for years to ease a variety of symptoms related to menopause and each can also be beneficial when it comes to losing weight. They should be taken in moderation and you should pay heed to the potential side effects they may cause.
Dandelion is a well-known and documented diuretic. Women in Europe have used it for generations to treat urinary tract infections. It is also among the many herbs for menopause weight loss because it helps to control water weight gain without flushing important nutrients from the system at the same time. Some people have experienced allergic reactions to dandelion, so some caution should be applied.
Since hormone imbalance is such a central part of menopause, the chasteberry is one of the most important herbs for weight loss as it directly affects hormone production. Chasteberry stimulates the production of progesterone, which can help to balance out the lack of estrogen during menopause. By balancing hormone levels, you can improve appetite and increase energy, all of which may make it easier to stick to a weight loss regimen.
As one of many herbs for menopause treatment, black currant is effective on two separate counts. Not only can it help regulate water weight gain, it also contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, which are central to hormone production. By ensuring that you are getting the proper amount of these vital nutrients, you can help to ease side effects of hormone imbalance that lead to weight gain.
Black cohosh has been one of the more controversial herbs for weight loss, but it is proven to combat some of the symptoms of menopause that lead to weight gain. Things like depression, mood swings and fatigue may be alleviated by taking black cohosh, and easing these symptoms can lead to increased energy and a lessened tendency to overeat.
Of course, herbs to do not provide a cure-all for any problem, including losing weight. The best method for losing weight at any stage of your life remains eating a balanced diet and exercising. But during menopause, when it can be difficult for women to deal with the effects of hormonal changes, having a little natural boost may be just what the doctor ordered.
Want to learn more about how to overcome weight issues during and after menopause? Janice Bowles, hypnotherapist and health and wellness coach since 1996 takes the guess work out of how to get your body into shape and feel fabulous as women approach their 50's and beyond. Be sure to visit http://www.WeightLossAt50.com for the latest tips and 'tricks' for healthy weight loss, motivation, fitness, health, beauty and wellness and much more. While you are there, collect your FREE guide on the 'Top Ten Weight Loss Myths' and 'Weight Loss Tips At 50' members newsletter - absolutely Free!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7158277

What Does Menopause Mean For You?

Expert Author Valerie Martinez

As women at midlife, we can finally take a deep breath and exhale. We have arrived at the gateway, that marvelous middle place where we are perfectly positioned, poised between where we have been and where we are going. We can look back from this unique vantage point and draw wisdom from all the experiences we've had, and we can also look forward, ahead of us, to the many exciting years to come. At this wonderful time in our lives we each have the power to choose what our menopause experience will look like. Our journey through menopause presents us with so many diverging paths, so many opportunities, that these years are potentially the richest of our lives.
Menopause is the time at midlife when we begin to ask the important questions: How can I make my life more meaningful? What should I be doing now? What am I meant to do? If my children have grown and left home, what is my role now? Do I still have the same value? How do I manage to deal with the changes in my body and in my life, and still keep a positive self-image as I get older? Is it all downhill from here? The questions we ask ourselves can really be distilled down to this: "Am I living the best life I can? Am I living true?"
How do we live our true life? What would it look like? Is it even possible to have a "true life" with all the day-to-day pressures we face? Well, it is possible. In fact, it has never been more possible. We are at the best time of our lives. Right here. Right now. It is up to us to determine what today will bring, and what the coming years will look like. Life at menopause is filled with transitions and challenges. There are so many ways we can go. That's why it is so important to experience these years with a true and open heart.
We've never been in a better place, or at a better time, to choose for ourselves. We've never been in a better place to make positive changes in our lives. We've never been in a better place to use the wisdom we have gained over the years, and to make the choices that will allow us to embrace our menopause journey.
Yet, at midlife, some of us may feel defeated by the symptoms of menopause. The hot flashes and menopause induced lack of sleep. The depression and moodiness. We may have given up. We may not have the energy or the courage to know how to best help ourselves through this transition. We may have even tried menopause treatments but were disappointed with the results leaving you dispirited and worse, resigned to being miserable. When we resign we miss out on living our own greatness. Resignation is our death knell, whether we are thirty or eighty.
Don't resign. Resist the voice that has made you give up any part of your life, the voice that justifies the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, the one that says it's just too difficult or it won't make a difference anyway. When we surrender to whatever we think binds us, we automatically contract. We see ourselves as victims.
Realize we are privileged to be at a different point in our lives than the generations that came before us. We have the opportunity to experience menopause differently from the way our mothers or grandmothers did. We know we are not quite the same as we were in our twenties, but for the most part, we are healthy, intellectually active, interested, and have a sense of adventure and spirit much younger than generations before us.
Having the courage to make the most of your life can begin at any age, but it's important to realize that the sooner you make up your mind to take action, the faster you will see results. Menopause is the ultimate wake-up call, a chance to evaluate how we've been living up to this point. It is the culmination of years of lifestyle habits, both good and bad. But it's never too late to change our habits - all it takes is desire and commitment to assume responsibility for your own health. Step by step, one day at a time, you can begin to build, or even rebuild a sound foundation for a comfortable menopause and quality longevity.
It is comforting to know that the classic symptoms of menopause - night sweats, vaginal dryness, insomnia, and mood swings - are not inevitable. There are many vitamins and herbs that can help to balance a changing body chemistry - without side effects. Taking control of your treatment for menopause now will start you on a journey to continued health, vitality and radiance.
Most of all, make this a special time of life for you. Take some quiet time for yourself on a daily basis. Meditation and deep breathing are excellent tools for calming the mind and smoothing out the ups and downs of day to day living. Reading uplifting affirmations and spiritual books can often take you outside of yourself and renew your perspective on life. Treat yourself well and listen to your body/mind signals. Menopause can be a wonderful time for taking inventory of all aspects of your life. Explore this time with joy and adventure, because, for many women, the best is still ahead. May your journey be blessed with happiness and wisdom as well.
Valerie Martinez is a nutritional health consultant who (together with business partner Carine Horner -- a holistic nutritionist), is dedicated to helping women just like you learn how to achieve relief from menopausal symptoms naturally and safely vs. the outdated traditional approach of HRT (hormone replacement therapy). To learn more about effective, SAFE, all-natural menopause symptom relief, visit our website athttp://www.MenopauseReliefToday.com and pick up your FREE Guide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7152765

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Regulators’ Shake-Up Seen as Missed Bid to Police JPMorgan


After the financial crisis, regulators vowed to overhaul supervision of the nation’s largest banks.
As part of that effort, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in mid-2011 replaced virtually all of its roughly 40 examiners at JPMorgan Chase to bolster the team’s expertise and prevent regulators from forming cozy ties with executives, according to several current and former government officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
But those changes left the New York Fed’s front-line examiners without deep knowledge of JPMorgan’s operations for a brief yet critical time, said those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because there is a federal investigation of the bank.
Forced to play catch-up, the examiners struggled to understand the inner workings of a powerful investment unit, those officials said. At first, the examiners sought basic information about the group, including the name of the unit’s core trading portfolio.
By the time they got up to speed, it was too late. In May, JPMorgan disclosed a multibillion-dollar trading loss in the investment unit.
They “couldn’t ask tough questions,” said a former official who was based at JPMorgan.
The situation highlights the fundamental challenge of policing big banks, even after the crisis.
As regulators added to their ranks and aimed to increase the sophistication of their teams, the transition was not always smooth. The staff turnover at the New York Fed happened over several months, and regulators made a concerted effort to retain knowledge of the bank’s activities, according to other people close to the New York Fed who were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.
Even so, the current and former officials said the Fed examiners faced a daunting task, given that the bank has more than $2 trillion in assets.
Faced with overseeing large banks like JPMorgan, regulators cannot possibly comb through every loan document or trade. Instead, they rely primarily on a bank’s own analysis of its risk, a broad portrait that can mask problems.
“They aren’t examiners as much as they are overseers, forced to peer over the banks’ shoulders,” Bart Dzivi, who served as special counsel to the Federal Crisis Inquiry Commission, said in reference to the general state of large bank supervision.
The New York Fed’s shake-up only aggravated a continuing struggle between JPMorgan executives and regulators from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which supervises banks. For years, the agency, with dozens of its own examiners at JPMorgan, worried that the bank had been miscalculating how much money it could lose in extreme situations, according to the current and former officials.
Examiners challenged the executives who stonewalled, and the conflict left agency supervisors with an incomplete picture of the bank’s risk. At one point in early 2012, JPMorgan briefly stopped providing examiners with an important risk estimate for the chief investment office, the group at the center of the recent trading losses, the current and former officials said. Executives told examiners not to worry.
For their part, regulators say it is not their job to micromanage or remove risk altogether. Their goal is to protect the financial system broadly.
In a statement, the Comptroller of the Currency, Thomas Curry, said his agency was “reviewing the risk management practices at JPMorgan Chase, following the losses announced in May.”
The review, he said, referring to the chief investment office, “includes risk management policies and controls that govern both the C.I.O. and the rest of the bank. That information will be used to determine what supervisory actions and changes are appropriate.”
The JPMorgan trading losses will receive fresh scrutiny on Friday when the bank reports its quarterly results. It is expected to report a profit and detail the extent of the losses, which have reached about $5 billion, according to people briefed on the matter.
The bank’s chief executive, Jamie Dimon, also might explain more about what went wrong. Mr. Dimon has shuffled staff, apologized before Congress and moved to unwind the complex trade related to the losses, which was tied to credit derivatives, complex financial instruments.
Both JPMorgan and the New York Fed declined to comment.
Years before the multibillion-dollar losses, the embedded staff from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency questioned how JPMorgan was estimating its risk.
In 2008, the agency’s examiners inside JPMorgan raised broad concerns about the bank’s internal stress test models, according to the current and former officials. The examiners said that they were worried that the bank’s analysis incorrectly calculated the potential effect on various businesses from a variety of conditions, including large market swings and sudden fluctuations in interest rates.
One report, for example, estimated that the bank’s chief investment office would lose no more than $400 million in a two-week period even under the most stressful market conditions, one of the government officials said.
Some of the agency’s examiners said they had battled to get senior executives at JPMorgan to share how the bank’s internal stress tests were structured. One of the former officials described the analysis as a virtual black box, in which the bank provided few details about the variables.
JPMorgan executives resisted providing any additional information about the stress tests, including how they chose the variables used to forecast potential losses. The bank routinely pushed back scheduled meetings to review the matter, the current and former officials said.
“We were most concerned with the fact that the stress test is one of the most important risk management reports,” said one of the former bank examiners, and the test’s methodology “had not been reviewed by regulators.”
Compounding their frustrations, Joseph Bonocore, the bank’s treasurer, left in October 2011. In the ensuing months, some of the examiners said they had less access to information about the bank.
That same year, the New York Fed was retooling its team at JPMorgan. The Fed saw an opportunity to rethink the way it policed the industry. It hired a new head of bank supervision, added staff with greater financial expertise and revamped the roster of examiners stationed at the banks.
But the transition came at a critical time for JPMorgan. In 2011, the once little-known chief investment office was swelling in size and taking on increasingly risky bets.
By early 2012, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency conducted a review of JPMorgan’s stress test models, months before reports emerged about potential losses in the chief investment office, according to the current and former officials. The examination revealed that the models needed upgrades.
At one point in the first quarter of this year, some of the examiners said that JPMorgan had simply stopped providing them with some metrics from the chief investment office. When they asked why the crucial value-at-risk measure had disappeared, executives did not give them a satisfying answer.
Around that time, the bank changed the value-at-risk measure for the chief investment office, which they did not disclose publicly for months. The switch would prove important.
By changing the metric, the bank could seemingly take on more risk. It all came to a head in May when the bank announced a $2 billion trading loss on a soured credit bet.
Since then, losses have multiplied to an expected $5 billion in the second quarter, a tally that could grow.

Android Tablets: Catching Up in 2012


The Sony Tablet S, left, and the Sony Tablet P, both of which run Android's operating system.
Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg News

The Sony Tablet S, left, and the Sony Tablet P, both of which run Android’s operating system.

BARCELONA — Android still has a lot of catching up to do with Applewhen it comes to the tablet market.
But Andy Rubin, the head of Android at Google, said in a small roundtable session with reporters at the Mobile World Congress that 2012 would be the year that “we double down in that space.”
He said that although there were 300 million smartphones running Android, the number of tablets running Android is only a fraction of that figure, around 12 million. By comparison, Apple has sold more than 55 million iPads to date.
Dispatches from Barcelona.
That figure is not as high as it needs to be “if we want to be successful,” he said.
The main hurdle for Android’s broader adoption, he said, is that customers don’t yet view it as a viable platform.
Rather, they “walk into a Best Buy and see a bunch of Android tablets on display,” he said. “There’s no organized way for consumers to see it as an ecosystem.”
Still, Mr. Rubin said there were glimmers of hope for the Android tablets, in particular the Galaxy series from Samsung, which he said had been the most successful tablet release running on Android.
He said that Google would focus more this year on making the Android system a more compelling investment for both mobile shoppers as well as a lucrative business opportunity for third-party applications developers.
“We need to make sure we have a more complete offering,” he said.

Google and VMware Wed at the App Engine


Google has formed an intriguing partnership with VMware, as Google looks to build out its online business software services for companies.
Both created at roughly the same time by people with ties to Stanford, Google and VMware have been at odds for most of their history. Their products rarely overlapped, but as the high-fliers of the moment, the companies fought to hire the most talented software engineers in Silicon Valley.
Diane Greene, VMware’s first chief executive, would often complain to me about Google’s hiring all the top brains. (Ms. Greene says in a comment on this post that VMware competed well for the top engineering talent in the Valley.) Meanwhile, VMware has done its fair share of poaching people from Google.
The companies have tabled these differences and decided to go after the so-called  cloud computing market together. This week, Google announced fairly broad support for some of the Java software tools that VMware acquired last year in its purchase of SpringSource.
Putting some of the immediate technical minutiae to the side, you’ll find the meat of the partnership revolving around the idea that customers will be able to move their software between Google’s cloud and clouds based on technology from VMware with  relative, theoretically, ease.
So, this is Google and VMware joining hands in a kumbaya moment and saying: “There’s no lock-in if you work with us. Please ask Amazon.com and Microsoft about their take on this.”
Away from the VMware deal, Google celebrated its App Engine for Business platform.
To date, App Engine has mostly been used by developers of large Web sites. It gave these developers a place to run applications on Google’s infrastructure on a rental model and get access to Google’s scale and horsepower if they needed it.
Now Google wants to follow in the footsteps of Microsoft and bring more traditional businesses to its infrastructure. So, it has released things like a new management console for managing lots of applications and a new pricing model.
In the near future, Google plans to add a formal up-time guarantee and support services.
If you’re keeping score at home, Amazon.com offers customers more of an infrastructure-type service in which they can rent space on servers and storage systems and do what they like with the hardware via the Web. Microsoft, with Azure, does more of a platform-type service, in which customers basically create applications to run in Microsoft’s data centers with Microsoft handling most of the grunt work. Google is heading more in this Azure direction.
David Glazer, an engineering director at Google, said that Google’s platform was more open than Microsoft’s. Google supports open programming languages and lots of open-source software.
Over on Azure, you have to use Microsoft’s software and Microsoft’s programming tools, Mr. Glazer warned.
That’s sort of true. Microsoft certainly promotes its own technology, but you can run things like the open-source MySQL on Azure and use open-source-friendly programming languages.
True, Mr. Glazer conceded, adding: “It’s not what you can do, but what you can do practically. You have to ask what things are solidly supported and what tools and models you’re being tilted toward.”
Google and VMware could present a formidable challenge to the likes of Amazon and Microsoft in the cloud, particularly since so much of cloud computing relies on virtualization software, and it is there that VMware is the undisputed king.
As it turns out, virtualization software is just about the only thing Google doesn’t make or give away these days. So – welcome, VMware.

Google’s Computers Now for Hire


One of Google's data centers.
One of Google’s data centers.

Cloud computing just got a lot bigger.
On Thursday Google announced that it would offer computing as a service accessible over the Internet, much like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace and others. Google said its prices would be about 50 percent below those of current market rates.
Urs Hölzle, the Google senior vice president for technical infrastructure, said Google was drawing off its own long history of managing millions of servers around the world. “We’ve solved a lot of the problems, and are passing on the savings,” he said. “It’s a natural step for us.”
As a demonstration of what the product, Google Compute Engine, could do, Mr. Hölzle announced a genetic mapping project that would use 600,000 computing cores, which are the processing units on a semiconductor.
Mr. Hölzle was speaking at Google I/O, the company’s annual conference for software developers, which this year drew 5,500 people. Google is hoping the developers will build applications on its public cloud, and help persuade corporations to move resources there.
Google’s move is not surprising, given the success Amazon and others have had in persuading corporations to ditch much of their on-site data storage and computing resources in favor of a publicly shared “cloud” of computing.
If anything, Google is somewhat late to the game. Google pioneered many of the techniques in cloud computing, but for years kept its technology proprietary. Over the past few years Google has entered parts of the business like online storageapplication deployment, and pattern-finding algorithms for rent.
On Thursday Google also announced that its Application Engine had over one million applications in use, and was serving applications to customers up to 7.5 billion times daily.
With Google Compute Engine, Mr. Hölzle said, “there is a piece in every part of the value chain.” While for many years Google considered its cheap technology an important proprietary secret, he added, “many of the things we did under wraps are now commonplace. It enables us to have a strong offering on infrastructure.” He noted that much of Google’s technology and methods would still remain secret.
While Google will have a full-service offering comparable to Amazon’s, which is known as A.W.S., it intends to start with a relatively small number of relatively high-demand customers, then offer the service more broadly.
That may be a strategic choice. A.W.S. has occasionally suffered very public service failures. Google may have decided that while large computing problems are relatively easy to manage, handling a diverse number of customers may take some learning. Mr. Hölzle said Google Compute Engine would not have service guarantees, but he said, “Products survive by the customer experience.”
“We don’t have the simplest solution yet,” he said. “Three to five years from now we will be further along. We’re early in this.”

Jumbo Touch-Screen Maker Adds to Microsoft’s Vision of the Future

Perceptive Pixel created CNN's "magic wall."


The workplace of the future may look a bit like the set of CNN during the 2008 presidential election, if Microsoft has its way.
On Monday, Microsoftannounced that it had reached a deal to acquire Perceptive Pixel, a company in New York that is best known as the creator of CNN’s “magic wall,” the colossal touch-sensing television screen that the news channel’s John King used in 2008 to zoom in and out of a map showing battleground states during that year’s elections. The screen looked a little like an iPad as reimagined by Lex Luthor, Superman’s archenemy.
To Microsoft, though, gargantuan touch screens are the whiteboards of tomorrow. The company invests a lot, through its own research and development efforts, in new kinds of displays designed to make business activities like teleconferencing more immersive. The company’s Office division, home to Word, Excel and other software money gushers, has even produced a series of polished “future vision” videos that show how these types of displays might change the workplace.
In a statement announcing the deal, Jeff Han, the founder of Perceptive Pixel, said the company’s screen technologies would “tightly interoperate” with the Office division’s products. Get ready to edit wall-sized Excel spreadsheets.

Big Business’s Social Media Buying Frenzy

Judging from the deals, social media for business is moving from start-up to establishment faster than you can tweet “buyout.” Several billion dollars have been spent on mergers and acquisitions in the sector over the past several months, with no sign of letup.
On Tuesday Oracle purchased Involver, a company that makes software for a nontechnical person to build a complex corporate page on Facebook and other social media. The price was not disclosed. Earlier in the week Salesforce.com purchased, also for an undisclosed sum, GoInstant, which enables people to browse Web sites together.
It was Oracle’s third big social media purchase this year, and the seventh by Salesforce since March 2011. Among the notable deals, in May Oracle paid a reported $300 million for Vitrue, which also makes social marketing software, and a day later Salesforce paid $689 million for a social marketing business called Buddy Media. In June Microsoft said it would pay $1.2 billion for Yammer, a kind of Facebook for use inside the corporation.
It is a fast adoption of a new business tool, particularly compared with the other hot trend, cloud computing. While cloud took years to gaincorporate credibility, social media, which is often delivered through cloud-based systems, is selling fast.
Social media is particularly attractive for marketers, since hooking product information up with consumers enables them to elicit and observe behavior better. That enables them to make and sell products more effectively.
The interest in social media has also affected the publicly held companies. Jive Software, a publicly-traded business similar to Yammer, saw its share price rise 14 percent after the Microsoft acquisition. Bazaarvoice, an online customer ratings and review service that went public last February, in May used some of its proceeds to purchase competitor PowerReviews for $151 million.
“It’s nice for our sector to be validated, a lot faster than we expected,” said Patrick Salyer, chief executive of Gigya a company that acts as an intermediary between corporate Web sites and social media like Facebook. For people in the social media business, he says, “what you are seeing is more notable than the Facebook I.P.O. Enterprise companies are getting into social in a big way.”
It does mean that the wide-open start-up days of social media in business are probably over, and we’re starting to head toward the standardization that tends to happen when big companies get involved.

How to Choose a Good and Suitable Strap?

At present, many kinds of new models, beautiful colors and excellent quality straps are put into the market, so it maybe hard for you to choose the a good and suitable strap.
1. The stainless steel strap series. One is the wire net strap, people knit some 60 mm stainless steel wire into a "steel cloth", it has a close texture, beautiful appearance, and also a comfortable feel. The second is elastic strap, which is characterized with a soft body, you can just stretch it as you wish. The third one is the pearl strap, which has an unique structure and a soft touch feeling. When you touch it, you may have the same feeling as you are touching the gold and silver jewelry.
2. Gold-plated, copper-plated and titanium-plated strap series. This kind of straps is combined with the block, hidden article, grid and chain-typed beads, and is plated with gold, copper and titanium.
3. Leather strap series. This kind is famous for the daintily materials, reasonable process and complete specifications. This leather strap is made of the high quality leather, then refined by the traditional technology.
In addition, the leather straps made of deerskin, sheepskin, pigskin, synthetic leather are also very popular because of their wide range design, aesthetics and fashion models.
4. Nylon strap series. This kind of strap is made of high quality nylon, it is fashion design and rich colors.
When you choose the straps, you should pay more attention to the following points:
1. The color of the strap should be harmonized with the color of your watch. If it is a yellow gold-plated watch, you can choose the gold-plated or black strap;if the case is black, you can choose the same color strap.
2. You should choose the matched materials. If it is an ordinary material watch, you can choose the normal material strap;but you should choose the excellent material strap for the high-level watch.
3. Check the quality of the strap. Generally, the steel strap is elastic equably, the length is moderate and has a comfortable feel. About the leather strap, it always has the uniform thickness and fine material.
To know more information about straps, please visit http://www.hellorolex.com.
I am interested in writing something in my spare time, and when hearing that my articles are useful, I feel very happy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1834558

Silver Lockets - A Gift They Will Cherish

It doesn't matter what the occasion is. A birthday, Christmas, Valentine's day or even a "just because" occasion can be a scary proposition when trying to find that perfect gift for that special someone in your life. Often a haphazard approach is taken and a last minute purchase is completed. In most cases you will find that gift being forgotten within days and most certainly within a few months. They will smile, say how much they like it and then slowly forget about it. Usually you do to because very little thought went into buying it. About the time that occasion rolls around again you'll think in the back of your mind, "what happen to last years gift?" You'll then put it out of your mind and repeat the same process, yielding the same boring results.
This year you'll find the perfect gift that will remain a lasting impression on your loved ones heart. Silver lockets can be very personal and with relatively little effort involved from the purchaser. Fine metals with ornamentation speak to the heart and really show that you put thought into the gift. It's an item that can be worn on a bracelet or necklace on a daily basis and for every occasion. It's an item that will stick in the forefront of her mind and keep her excited about your gift for years to come.
It's a simple gift to pick out. Lockets come in numerous shapes. You can't go wring with a heart shaped locket or even an oval locket. In most cases the biggest decision will be what to have engraved onto the locket. Engraving the locket is really what makes it personal. This is something that will always surpass any other gift. An engraving shows that you put thought into the gift and it wasn't just something you picked off of the shelf. Be thoughtful and caring. You don't have to fill up a book. Generally you'll be limited to just a few words and any jeweler can help you with selecting the perfect words to express your love. Even if you didn't think of everything yourself you'll still get all of the credit for thinking of it!
The next thing you want to think about is the fact that many silver lockets come with the ability to fit it with a photo. This should be a memento of your love for each other. Think about pictures taken at special events or special times that you two have spent together. These types of memories will really dig deep and will earn more points with her than you can imagine.
The object of finding the perfect gift is to find a gift that will reinforce your love and dedication on a daily basis and to do that it must speak to her heart the love the two of you share. If you can find that gift you have found the perfect gift!
K. Green loves silver jewelry and has recently purchased two beautiful silver lockets and is very satisfied with the quality of them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1997584

Beautiful and Elegant Watches

There are millions of different products manufactured every year in the UK. This is mainly because there is such a high demand for goods in the UK. The UK is situated in Western Europe and is certainly considered one of the richer parts of the world. People generally have money to spend on various items and watches are no exception. In fact, the sales of watches in the UK has grown enormously in the last few years as more and more people seek the latest fashion trends and crave beautiful and elegant watches.
There are quite a few reasons why people crave beautiful and elegant watches. The first reason is simple. Beauty and elegance are two of the nicest superlatives in the English dictionary and anything described as being beautiful or elegant is always snapped up immediately. This is partly because of the way these words are advertised on the products they represent but also just because they truly are special. Anything described in this way grabs hold of style and sophistication whilst still maintaining simplicity.
When these words are attached to an actual product, they bring the qualities out in the product they are representing. Watches are a great example. There are thousands of watches on the market all with their own unique differentiating features. However, when a person walks into a shop looking for a watch to buy, their attention is likely to go towards the most beautiful and the most elegant watches first.
There are many different beautiful and elegant watches that a person has to choose from. One brand that has a large selection of beautiful and elegant watches is Emporio Armani. Armani are known for their excellence in fashion and their sub-division - Emporio Armani - is no different when it comes to watches. All of the Emporio Armani watches in their range have their own look and feel about them and have various distinguishing features too that set them aside from other watches. Most importantly however is that all of the watches are as beautiful and as elegant as each other and customers choosing to buy a watch would certainly be very happy to purchase one of these.
Emporio Armani has some of the finest watches on the market but there are lots more watches available for customers to choose. What it comes down to is what each individual person perceives to be the most beautiful and the most elegant and then it is up to that individual to then buy the watch.
The author works for Ernest Jones and Emporio Armani watches can be found at Ernest Jones.
Emporio Armani at Ernest Jones.
Emporio Armani Watches at Ernest Jones.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1978348

Sterling Silver Rings For Men - Long Lasting Trend Or Just a Fashion Fad?

What are the reasons behind the popularity of men's sterling silver rings and will it last? The boundaries between men and women's jewelry is not that clear anymore. As far as jewelry is concerned, it seems like anything goes. It seems like the trend in clothing for both sexes has spread to jewelry It is quite common for men to be seen wearing a variety of gold and silver jewelry. Before you would only see men's rings limited to classic wedding bands. Nowadays there is hardly any jewelry that men won't wear. The trend of male celebrities wearing jewelry has probably accelerated the acceptability of male jewelry.
Interestingly, younger males in Eastern countries do not have many inhibitions about wearing jewelry. Jewelery stores in some larger Indian cities have seen a boom in sales of men's bracelets, rings and earrings. We asked a group of men how they felt about rings. The answers varied widely and there were some who were indifferent. One cringed at the thought of men's rings when I asked him his opinion.It's always been second nature for women to be experts in the art of fashion.
Now there is a chance for men to get in on the accessorizing act too. And what better way for a man to make a statement than wearing a couple of men's rings with a causal pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It is quite clear that the trend of men wearing fashion jewelry is something that is here to stay.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1997123

Watches For Mothers Day

There are so many different festivals and occasions throughout the year that people seem to spend their lives in shops. At the start of the year everyone is winding down from Christmas and the New Year just passed hoping to save their pennies for the busy few months they have ahead of them. First of all there is Valentines Day, a big day for many in which people in love and people looking for love can purchase goods for their loved ones or loved ones to be. Not long after there is Easter too as everyone rushes to the shops to buy various Easter eggs for the family. Bang in the middle of these two occasions is Mothers Day.
Mothers Day is a day that almost everyone can celebrate. Almost everyone has a mother, and if they don't, they are likely to have an auntie, step-mum or the like that they can treat. The most common present one can buy for Mothers Day is that of flowers. Other popular choices include chocolates, cooking equipment, jewellery and watches. In fact watches have become far more popular in recent years as people seem to want to spend more on their mum. After all, mums deserve it!
Watches have also become somewhat of a fashion item in recent years. Buying a watch for Mothers Day will therefore put a smile on a mother's face as they can feel happy knowing that they now have a new fashion accessory.
There are many different watches that people can choose from. Most watches that can be bought today are very strong and will last for a very last time especially if they are bought from a reliable company that specializes in watches. Different watches have different designs but most have either a leather strap or a bracelet strap, many of the watches are water resistant at least up unto 30 meters, and most either have automatic or kinetic movement, although more and more are being made with solar power engineering. There are also hundreds of different brands to choose from as each brand differs in looks and style from the next one.
Watches for Mothers Day are therefore an extremely good choice for people looking to buy a gift for their mother for Mothers Day. There are other items people can buy too but if a woman received a watch for this special day, they would certainly be very happy indeed!
The author works for Ernest Jones and Emporio Armani watches can be found at Ernest Jones.
Emporio Armani at Ernest Jones.
Emporio Armani Watches at Ernest Jones.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1978344

The History of the Claddagh Ring

Striking and unmistakable in design, two delicate hands cradling a crowned heart, worn by thousands through the centuries, from great kings, queens and princesses to modern day lovers and dear friends, this timeless symbol of friendship, loyalty and love finds its roots in the heart of Ireland.
Surprisingly, the origin of this cherished national symbol lay shrouded in mystery. But perhaps that is what draws so many to its simple beauty. The symbol of the Claddagh is said to be the symbol of the "Fisher Kings of Claddagh", a small fishing village overlooking the Galway Bay in Ireland, and it carried the meaning "in love and friendship let us reign". This original design was fashioned into a ring in the 17th Century. Many stories and myths attempt to explain this ring's beginnings, but one romantic legend seems to ring louder and truer than the rest.
The Legend
It is the old story of Richard Joyce, a young man from the Galway village of Claddagh, Ireland. Just days before his wedding, Richard, on a trip to the West Indies, was kidnapped by Algerian pirates and sold, a slave, to a Moorish goldsmith. The goldsmith soon took a liking to Richard, clever and quick as he was, and trained him as an apprentice to be a master craftsman. Year later in 1689, when King William III demanded the release of all British subjects from Algiers, Richard turned down the offer of marriage to the old goldsmith's daughter and half of the old man's fortune for the sweet winds of home and his true love in Galway. Though it had been 14 years since his disappearance, he found his true love waiting faithfully for his return. Overcome with joy, he presented her with a ring that he had designed and forged while an apprentice, the now famous Royal Claddagh, and soon the two were married. It is said that Richard settled in Galway with his bride and there became a successful goldsmith, his most famous work, the Claddagh.
Though no one can say for sure where the Claddagh ring originated or who first designed it, the earliest Claddaghs to be traced bear the mark "RI", Richard Joyce, the master goldsmith.
An Irish Tradition
The Claddagh ring [http://www.selectsilverrings.com/claddagh_rings] is a variant of older rings called "Fede", or faith rings which date to Roman times and were popular in the Middle Ages throughout Europe. Since the 17th Century, it was traditionally worn as a Celtic wedding or engagement ring, handed down from mother to daughter for generations. For many Irish who left Ireland during Great Famine of the 19th Century, the Claddagh was the only reminder left of their homeland.
Rich in Meaning and Significance
But you don't have to be Irish to appreciate the meaning and beauty of the Claddagh ring. This traditional Irish wedding ring is now worn all over the world. It has become a fashionable exchange of dear friends and lovers, men and women alike. The meaning of the ring is what gives it significance. The hands, crown and heart symbolize the trinity of Love, Loyalty and Friendship, or in Gaelic, "Gra Dilseacht agus Cairdeas" (pronounced 'Graw Deel-shocked, ogis Korr-diss'). Put another way: "Let love and friendship reign forever". It is this rich and beautiful meaning that makes the Claddagh perfect for many occasions, whether it be a gift to a cherished friend of loved one, a Mother's ring, a Promise ring or worn traditionally as an engagement or wedding ring.
Wearing a Claddagh
The Claddagh ring is one of the most elegant and meaningful rings ever created and is beautiful no matter how it is worn. However, if the tradition of the Claddagh is followed, then the way in which the Claddagh is worn declares the wearers relationship status in their quest for love.
If worn on the right hand, it is a sign of friendship: with the heart pointed out toward the fingertip, the wearer is free for the courting, their heart open and available; with the heart pointed in toward the wrist, the wearer is spoken for or being courted. But the left hand is the prized position for the Claddagh; worn with the heart facing in toward the wrist, the wearer has found their true love and is engaged or happily married, saying, "With these hands I give you my heart and I crown it with my love."
by Stephen Cummins
Shop now for quality Claddagh Rings Or find a wide variety of other sterling silver jewelry at [http://www.selectsilverrings.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1971766