Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Traditional Birthstone Meanings - Amethyst is For February

The amethyst gemstone is actually a beautiful example of quartz, specifically with a violet coloring. Although its coloring ranges from a lighter pink hue to a deep purple, it is always found as a purple hue.   According to Greek legend, the beautiful and chaste woman, Amethystos, was changed into a beautiful white stone by Artemis to protect her from Dionysus, the god of wine and drunkenness. Dionysus poured out his wine upon her and dyed the stone purple. 
The Greek word "amethustos" literally means "not drunken." Many people, both ancient and modern, have believed the amethyst to be capable of protecting individuals from intoxication. Some have believed that it can heal other addictions as well. In ancient Egypt, soldiers wore amethysts as talismans, believing them to provide calmness in the midst of battle. It also came to be symbolic of mourning as wearers believed it would help them through times of grief. In the Middle Ages, a change in the color of the stone was believed to indicate the presence of sickness or poison. Also, some believe that the calming effects of this gemstone will ease or even cure insomnia.  
The symbolism associated with the amethyst has broad implications. The deep purple quickly brings to mind a calming presence which has been applied to many aspects of life. Originally, it was symbolic of a deterrent to drunkenness; however, it later came to be applied to royalty and religious leadership. The amethyst is a reminder of the importance of peace and tranquility which comes from a sober mind free of guilt and worries. As such, it can help those who struggle with addictions or other vices. When tempted to give into that awful bane, the amethyst can become a reminder of peaceful victory and the stability which comes from diligent discipline of one's self.  
Whether personal, business, or any other facet of life, one thing is sure--storms, trials, and temptations will come. Perhaps wearing an amethyst ring [http://www.selectsilverrings.com/gemstone/amethyst] or necklace can be the visual reminder to help you stay sober-minded and come through the trial unscathed. Or maybe you would just like to add a touch of royalty to your wardrobe. No matter what your reason, success follows hard on the heels of sobriety and tranquility.
by Stephen Cummins
If amethyst is your birthstone or if you are in need of some calmness, find great prices on amethyst rings and jewelry at Select Silver Rings [http://www.selectsilverrings.com]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2121778

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