Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

10 Important Menopause Symptoms And Signs You Need To Watch For

Most of the time, women does not have enough knowledge over the things that are happening to them. Even with the changes in their bodies, they cannot grasp the meaning of it sometimes especially with the occurrence like menopause. The emergence of indicators such as excessive perspiring at night, warm or hot flashes, and exhaustion are sometimes being ignored by women until these symptoms worsen, then that is only the time they will learn about the subject menopause.
Similar to menstrual cycle, menopause is a normal occurrence that can happen to a woman when she reaches the age of 40 and beyond which signals that her womanhood will come to an end. The symptoms brought by this condition affect the physical, emotional, and psychological aspect of the body.
First off, let us classify the forms of menopause. The first phase is called peri-menopuase wherein the initial symptoms begin to inflict a woman. Secondly is the actual menopausal stage followed by the post menopause wherein the symptoms gradually fade until it ceases to exist.
Various symptoms and indicators are enumerated as follows:
Warm or hot flashes:
One of the most common and troubling indicator of an upcoming menopause is the hot flash which makes the body reddish eventually leading to excessive perspiring during the night. Some women may experience more severe sensation compared to others that could disturb their life subsequently.
Vaginal Dryness And Breast Sagging:
This conditions may include the following:
- Loss of moisture in the genitalia
- Declining support in the womb and pelvic area
- Sagging of breasts
Missed Menstrual Cycle:
This is the most evident early menopausal indicator wherein woman may not experience menstrual bleeding in a certain date. Lapses occur between periods however, conceiving a child is still possible in this phase.
Painful Intercourse:
This is true when a woman enters the menopausal stage due to the fluctuating hormones resulting to dryness. With this, the intercourse will be painful for her.
Disease and Infection:
As what gave been said, the fluctuating hormones cause the vagina to become more vulnerable especially to some infections including yeast infections. This brings painful urination too together with irritation and awful discharge in the genitals. So a good hygiene should be practiced all the time.
Frequent Urination:
You may not control your bladder when you are menopause because of the decreasing hormones again. The hormones serve as the protector of the tissues and organs in the reproductive system as well as to the adjacent organs like the bladder. Unfortunately when menopause comes, the organs will weaken and lose its original ability. Same with the bladder, as a woman aged, her bladder may not function well of controlling her urine resulting to spontaneous discharge or aching urination.
Bone Weakening:
It is known that during the menopausal stage, the bones of a woman weaken and may even lead to osteoporosis. This is again a result of the gradual decrease of the hormones. As they decrease, the rate of bone weakening and loss subsequently increases.
Menopause also affects the psychological aspect of the body affecting the function of the brain and may lead to memory gap.
If you would like to know more about menopause then check out this great blog http://herbalremediesformenopause.com or this Natural Menopause Treatment site for more tips and ideas.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7138396

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