Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

What You Can Do With Old Textbooks

You can still breathe new life into old textbooks, if you know how to recycle them. Books still have value even if they are old and outdated. The great thing is, there are many different options for you when it comes to recycling old books. Here are a couple suggestions for you:
  1. Sell. First of all, check if you are still able to sell your textbooks. If your neighborhood bookstore will not accept it, check online. Bookstores are now branching out through the Web, and you can compare between them to find the best offer for you. You never know, you might have all of this money stacked inside your apartment the whole time!
  2. Donations. If you have used textbooks, they will most likely still have value to someone else. Although new editions come out, for certain subjects, books change very little. First choice for donations can be public libraries and schools, students will still need books for reference material. Second, there are NGOs or charities that will benefit from them - either they can be used to teach the illiterate how to read, or they can be sold and the profits to be used for developmental work. Hospitals might also accept donated books for patients. Some people also opt to just put them in a box to be given away, or even leave them in a public place and tracked through a service like Book Crossing. Who knows, somebody might pick it up and give it new life.
  3. Book exchange. Swaps are becoming popular nowadays, either through your neighborhood, community or even online. Some people set up swap parties wherein everyone brings books they don't want or need anymore and swap them for other books. If you go online, you can also send books for swapping for books or points that can go towards buying another used book. Swaps are great ways to get new books without spending any money.
  4. Recycle. The book might no longer be useful due to damage to the book. Therefore, no one will be able to use it or read it. You can still recycle the materials used for the book - like the paper for wrapping. You can also find surprising ways to recycle the book - as a book stand, as table legs - you can think of so many different and unique ideas to use them.
Don't think that just because you are not reading or using the book anymore, that it is now worthless. You can still recycle your old book in so many different ways.
Jules Mariano is a full-time freelance search engine and social media marketing specialist and a web developer specializing in web content development. He is the co-founder of VPRO Digital Marketing. He currently writes for BookGator.
BookGator is a social platform where students, instructors, and student interest groups can work together to reduce cost of textbooks and education in general. Visit their site to learn how to save on college textbooks and be informed about how you can save the environment when you buy used textbooks.

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