Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

When Super Geniuses Check Out of Society - A Think Tank Topic

One thing that has really surprised me in life is that so many of the super geniuses have actually kind of checked out of society. They have super IQ but aren't interested in being used by an employer, university, government, etc, so they just become obscure, and seek to blend in. The other day, someone asked me if I'd be willing to allow non-achieved people into our think tank, and specifically how many should I let in? Interesting question, and so, let's talk about this.
You see, since there are so many super geniuses who've checked out of society, one could ask; where are they. Indeed, over the years, I have met super geniuses who have opted out of human awards, society, take a stupid job as a bartender, perhaps as they enjoy studying humans in their natural habitat, or deliver pizzas, or drive a taxi cab.
You would be surprised, but they have off-the-chart intelligence, and when they concentrate on one thing, they come up with brilliant solutions in every regard, but they have checked out of society's sound and fury and see it all for what it is worth. Society doesn't respect their intelligence, and they've stopped caring, and can't really relate with petty human politics or game playing, see it as a bunch of chimpanzees hooting and hollering is all.
If you are of super intellect, let me ask you this question; don't you sometimes see glimpses of the same line of thinking, they've just made a logical decision not to play the game. I had an acquaintance not long ago in college, with a very high IQ tell me that they realize that they have to play the game to get good grades, memorize nonsense, well it's the same thing, with other smart folks; they've just thrown their hands up and said; why bother, and they do their own thing, which they are very good at, even if it doesn't come with accolades, money, or notoriety.
Sometimes you just cannot judge intelligence by accomplishments by society's standards, as those with the super IQs have their own standards for excellence, and they are more apt to practice and use their intelligence where they see fit, not necessarily where we might expect them to, and that is the lesson I'd like my readers here today to consider and think on. Let's not judge a person solely by his or her resume, Facebook, or LinkedIn page, there is much more to life.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the Mind and Memory. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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