Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Blogging Your Way to Targeted Traffic

With everyone and his Virtual Assistant advertising on the internet it just seems hopeless that your tiny ad will ever be seen much less drive targeted traffic to your website. Perhaps the answer is to try a different form of advertising such as blogging your market. Here are a few quick tips on getting the most out of your blogging efforts and drive targeted traffic to your website.
The first option is to have a blog set up either on your own site or a blogging service such as you need to blog at least every other day. This keeps your readers coming back to see what is new as well as it pings the search engines to spider your content. This may help in your search engine rankings.
Using the tags option only takes a few seconds and is a step well worth taking. Tags are noticed by the search engines and are another key for targeted traffic to find your website when searches are performed on blog search engines such as Technorati.
Once your blog is set up make sure your Tweeter, Facebook and every other social media button has your links and working properly. Ask your readers to "tweet" or "like" your posts. This will bring more targeted traffic to your website without any effort from you.
Read other blogs in your niche. When you find an informative blog post get in touch with the blog owner and offer to print that blog post in exchange for them posting one of your articles. With links attached it makes a great linking opportunity as well as having prospective targeted traffic reading your words. Of course, you both must have 'dofollow' blogs for this to work!
Another way to use blogging to drive targeted traffic to your website is to leave well-thought-out comments on other blogs that are about your niche which includes a link to your website/blog/affiliate link encouraging readers to check it out. Never leave just a one-liner comment and your affiliate link. Make an effort to contribute to the overall content of the blog post. You want the comment to reflect that you have really did read the whole post and that it contains a real opinion. Leaving comments and link on other blog posts exposes you to a whole new world of readers and creates backlinks to your blog if it is a "dofollow" blog.
Get involved in the social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Do not just post links because this is counterproductive. People go to these sites to interact so be a real person. Interact. reply to people, have conversations. Then, when you have something new like a blog post, link it up. People respond to people they 'know' and that is what this is all about.
The last suggestion to blog your way to targeted traffic is to post your content on 'dofollow' community blogs such as, and Do not just submit posts but be a part of the community by reading, vote and comment on other members' posts.
Blogging is an easy way to get targeted traffic to your website when using these quick tips. Remember that persistence and patience rule the day.
Ben Amara is a successful businessman on and off line. His business experience and Entrepreneurial skills helped him succeed online in his chosen specialized field of Affiliate Marketing. Ben enjoys helping others achieve their goal through his Make Money Fast Online Group.

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