Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

The Strangest Dinosaurs of All - The Therizinosaurs

The Most Bizarre of All the Dinosauria - "Scythe Lizards"
Looking back over various text books, journals and papers from the 1960s, 70s and 80s you can get an impression of how our knowledge of dinosaurs has changed over time. New fossils and new techniques used to study existing specimens have yielded much more data, which when interpreted has provided palaeontologists with a great deal of information about these prehistoric animals. However, the Mesozoic fossil record is still full of surprises and the emergence of the Therizinosaurs, this bizarre group of meat-eaters turned plant-eaters illustrates this point nicely.
A Dinosaur Designed by a Committee?
Very large fossilised claws were found by a Russian expedition to Mongolia in 1948, at first these claws, which measured up to one metre in length, were thought to belong to a huge tortoise, and these fossils remained a mystery with little further evidence found to help describe the creature to which these huge claws belonged to. In 1954, papers published by the expedition leader, the eminent Russian palaeontologist Evgeny Aleksandrovich Maleev (who was also responsible for naming Tarbosaurus bataar); described the genus Therizinosaurus and the species T. cheloniformis - the first "scythe reptile had been described, but what this animal actually looked like was very much down to speculation.
Several years later fossil finds from China (hind limb bones indicating a four-toed foot, a tooth, part of the pelvic girdle) were discovered and a more complete picture of this strange dinosaur group began to emerge.
Therizinosaurs - Strange Dinosaurs
Therizinosaurs seem to be composed of various elements of other dinosaur clades. Parts of the very wide hip area resemble pro-sauropods, the pelvic bones with the swept back pubis bone, pushed up against the ischium is more typical of an ornithischian dinosaur than a saurischian. This arrangement is known in other saurischian dinosaurs, Maniraptorans such as Deinonychus and Velociraptor have this arrangement, as do their close relatives the birds (aves). The wide hips and the placing of these pelvic bones may have evolved to accommodate an enlarged gut as the Therizinosaurs switched to eating plants.
The huge claws would have been helpful in pulling down branches and it is thought that these animals fed rather like giant sloths. About 12 different genera are known, all but one located in Asia, but the fossil record of these creatures is very sparse.
Huge Three-Fingered Claws
How effective the huge claws may have been at deterring the large Tyrannosaurs around at the time is the subject of much speculation. These large creatures were not capable of moving very fast to escape predators, perhaps they flapped their arms in a threat display to put off would-be attackers. The claws were very heavy and scientists have carried out preliminary studies to try to understand whether the muscles in the forelimbs permitted these animals to swing the claws with much force. If they had been able to put some "umph" into it then the claws would have been very formidable weapons indeed. The lack of fossils has prevented scientists from carrying out more detailed studies, this area of research is on-going.
The discovery of huge forelimbs (ascribed to Deinocheirus genera), further confused and compounded scientists. The forelimbs of Deinocheirus were huge - two metres long, these are the only remains found so far and they are in the same area and same geological deposits of Therizinosaurs. Each finger on the three-fingered hand had a huge claw, but this time the claw was very different from the long blade-like claws of a Therizinosaurus. These claws were thicker and much more curved. Palaeontologists have speculated that Deinocheirus was a giant ant-eater. Some scientists debate whether Deinocheirus was a member of the Therizinosaur at all. With such little fossil material to work with, the exact taxonomic relationship between this Mongolian dinosaur and other members of the Dinosauria remains open to speculation. A number of palaeontologists have speculated that Deinocheirus (Deinocheirus mirificus), may have been a super-sized advanced Ornithomimid.
An Example of Parallel Evolution
If Deinocheirus turns out to be a close relative of the Therizinosaurs then this could be an example of parallel evolution. In mammals, the order Xenarthra (means strange-jointed mammals; as the vertebrae have extra joints between them), consists of bizarre looking animals such as sloths, armadillos and ant-eaters. These are all closely related mammals that have evolved to fill specialist niches in the food chain, in perhaps just the same way that these bizarre Therizinosaurs did so 100 million years earlier.
Several Types of Therizinosaur Now Known
Therizinosaurid fossil remains have now been found in the southern United States, Mongolia and China. Although very little is known about this particular type of dinosaur, the lack of fossils indicates that these animals were either not common or perhaps lived in environments such as forested areas where the chances of fossil preservation was particularly low. The largest of these dinosaurs - Therizinosaurus cheloniformis may have reached lengths in excess of ten metres and perhaps weighed more than 1,500 hundred kilograms.
Therizinosaurus is so much bigger than other members of this dinosaur family that it may have to be put into a separate family altogether. Some palaeontologists have already done this, ascribing the giant Therizinosaurus to a separate dinosaur family known as the Segnosaurids.
Feathered Dinosaurs
Remarkably well-preserved Therizinosaur fossils discovered in northern China, show that some species may well have been covered in short, proto-feathers. These dinosaurs could not fly, the feathers helped to insulate their bodies and keep them warm. In proportion to the size of the rest of the animal, the claws of a Therizinosaur are the largest known claw of any vertebrate in the scientific record.
Everything Dinosaur is a company run by parents, teachers and real dinosaur experts. It specialises in developing educational dinosaur toys, models, clothing and games and strives to help young people learn more about science through their fascination with prehistoric animals. Many of the items featured on the Everything Dinosaur website have been designed and tested by the teachers and real dinosaur experts in the company.
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