Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

The Superiority of Dream Therapy Based on The Scientific Method

The safety given by dream translation is based on the accurate transcription of the meaning of the dream images according to Carl Jung's discoveries after a long and arduous research during his lifetime, and also according to my discoveries after studying the meaning of dreams and curing many people into practice for two decades.
Jung was a perfect psychiatrist and psychologist, a rare example in the human history. His discoveries about the meaning of dreams give us the map we need in order to understand the dream language. Thanks to this map we can discover the treasure of wisdom, which is given to us by the divine unconscious mind that produces our dreams.
I simply simplified Carl Jung's work, after continuing his research. He did the most difficult part. I only completed the end of his research, discovering the anti-conscience that he couldn't see, and discovering the unconscious sanctity that he couldn't perceive.
My obedience to the divine unconscious guidance helped me fight craziness after discovering the existence of the anti-conscience, our wild conscience. Only because I was extremely obedient could I discover a lot more and survive.
I had no alternative. I had to be a hero if I wanted to escape schizophrenia, instead of becoming schizophrenic like my father. I recognized signs of absurdity in my own behavior when I was a young mother. This is why I desperately looked for psychotherapy through dream translation. I'm very lucky because I found the right treatment.
When you translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method you can be sure that you understand God's words in dreams. This is the best assurance you could have that your safety is guaranteed.
Carl Jung's work and my work help you accurately translate the divine unconscious messages into words that your conscious mind can understand. God will surely help you find sound mental health, peace, love, and happiness.
Many people have followed my example and they are more than grateful for learning how to be into contact with the unconscious wisdom. Everyone finds the solutions they need.
Dream translation is a miraculous bridge that unites you, a simple human being, to the divine wisdom. This is a privilege. When you'll be able to understand God's words in dreams you'll be a privileged person because you'll have special power. The unconscious wisdom is a precious tool.
You will become more intelligent, so you will surely verify that you are able to control your behavior and understand very well what you are doing in life. You'll feel better for many reasons. For example, you'll be able to prepare your future thanks to numerous dream predictions. Dream translation according to the scientific method is a new alternative, which helps you solve many problems at the same time.
When you'll learn how to eliminate your anti-conscience by transforming it into positive content, you will get rid of your worst enemy and evolve. The divine unconscious mind helps you transform your satanic anti-conscience into a wise human being. This means that you'll finally be able to use all of your brain power and attain a superior level of knowledge.
Right now your anti-conscience steals your brain power. It also tries to kill your human conscience and control your behavior. You have to get rid of this dangerous content.
You'll understand the superiority of dream therapy based on the scientific method of dream interpretation because you'll eliminate the roots of absurdity from your brain. Your mental stability will last forever. You'll become a wise human being, admired by everyone around you.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
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Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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