Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

After HPLC Courses, Writing Your CV

Expert Author Rima Hammoudi

Writing a CV can be daunting, especially when you are a soon-to-be graduate with very little actual work experience in pharmaceutical quality control. But don't despair. Building a résumé is easier than you think. Follow these simple steps.
Begin with your objective
At the beginning of your CV - immediately underneath your name, address and contact information - spell out your employment objective, for example:
- "Objective: A challenging position as a quality control documentation specialist."
- "Objective: A job as a pharmaceutical quality control analyst."
Then, your education
If you have more education than you do actual work experience, it is a good idea to put that at the top of your CV. If you have a pharmaceutical degree, list that, and then specify the specific courses you did relating to pharmaceutical quality control.
If you particularly distinguished yourself in some of your HPLC courses or other training, you may want to list grades here.
Some aspiring quality control professionals also use the educational qualifications section of their résumés to list their specific skills acquired in HPLC courses and other training, e.g., solubility testing, viscosity measurements.
It is also possible to list specific pharmaceutical quality assurance instruments that you are trained to operate. If you are having trouble thinking of what to write here, go back and review the syllabi from your HPLC courses. The course descriptions may give you inspiration for your CV.
As part of your HPLC courses, you may have completed an internship in a quality control lab. It is very important to list this kind of real-life experience on your CV, regardless of whether or not it was a paid position.
Teaching assistantships
Were you employed at the institution where you took HPLC courses? Did you help out in the quality control labs for students or give lectures to new students? This is the section to include that kind of information.
During your HPLC courses, did you participate in any conferences or give any talks on pharmaceutical quality control, for example, to your student association?
Do you belong to any organizations for pharmaceutical professionals? If not, you may want to ask the teachers in your HPLC courses if there are any organizations that you should be aspiring to join.
Extracurricular activities
Employers are always looking for employees that are well rounded. Try to give a sense of your life outside of HPLC courses. So if you were president of a club at school, or have been coaching youth sports, or engaged in some other hobby, include it here. Painting an accurate and vibrant picture of yourself as possible may help you land a job in a pharmaceutical quality control laboratory.
After you have completed a first draft of your CV, solicit feedback from your fellow students as well as from your pharmaceutical quality control teachers. Taking your time to make your CV as good as it can be can go a long way to increasing your chances of securing the job of your dreams.
Visit AAPS for more information on HPLC courses.
Rima Hammoudi is a Copywriter at Higher Education Marketing, a leading Web marketing firm specializing in Google Analytics, Education Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile SMS Alerts, Social Media Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, among other Web marketing services and tools.

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