Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Four of The Best Paid Traffic Generation Methods

Once you have selected a niche, conducted your market research, created your customer avatar, crafted your offer and put together your landing page you need to start driving traffic to your offer.
There are various ways that you can drive traffic to your offer such as SEO and email marketing, however these methods usually take weeks or even worse months to see any results.
One other way to get fast traffic to your offer is by paying for it.
Here are the four best sources of buying traffic and sending them direct to your offer.
1. Bing & Yahoo
A few years ago I would have put Google in this list but not now. Why you might ask?
Google holds the majority share of the market when it comes to search engines. It has an impressive 65.6% market share according to comScore, which is over double that of Bing and Yahoo put together who holds only 29.2%.
So due to these statistics why am I not choosing Google as one of the four ways of buying traffic?
The simple answer is that Google is a pain in the ass when it comes to support. They'll shut down your account without any explanation as to why and god forbid that they give you a chance to rectify any minor mistakes that you unwittingly made.
Put that together with the hatred that they have for affiliates is why I won't be adding Google to this list.
While Bing and Yahoo only hold 29.2% of the search engine markets share Bing is the second largest search engine around. Plus they're also more flexible and only too happy to help if you unknowingly break one of their terms of service.
That's why they are perfect when starting out buying traffic.
2. Facebook Ads
I don't have to tell you how "big" Facebook is, that's why you'd be stupid not to advertise on Facebook or at the very least give it a try.
When Facebook ads were first introduced lots of affiliates jumped on the bandwagon however Facebook has taken some of Google's policies and slapped affiliates down. This means that it is now a lot harder to advertise on Facebook although not impossible.
If you have tried SEM before then you'll understand that when you set up your campaign either in Google, Bing, Yahoo, 7search, Ask etc. you target keywords and it's these keywords that you bid on.
Facebook works differently. There's no need to have a extensive list of money keywords when it comes to Facebook. What you need to get your head around is that you target demographics (age and gender) and psychographics (likes and interests etc.)
People on Facebook aren't looking for a solution to something like what they are when they are on Bing and Yahoo. On Facebook they are more interested in finding out what's happening to their friends or playing a game. They aren't there "looking" for a product to buy they're there to have fun.
This means that you have to work a little harder and smarter to reach to them but if you get it right then you are on to a winner.
3. Solo ads
Solo ads used to be all the rage but lately the hype has abated a little. However solo ads still has a place in marketing even to this day.
I'm not saying that you make this your only means of buying traffic. Solo ads works great when done in conjunction with PPC.
What makes solo ads a viable traffic source is the fact that you know that the people who's subscribe to these magazines are going to be interested in what you have to say.
4. Media buying
Media buying has been a round long before Google popped along. In fact before Google it was one of the only ways to buy traffic. However it's only recently gained quite a bit of attention and is become one of the best ways of buying traffic.
There's lots of money to be made from media buying. It's not uncommon for people to buy in excess of 95 million plus worth of impressions and get soaring click through rates.
Media buying like Facebook isn't keyword focused. It works on demographics and psychographics. Media buying seems to work best for niches that are in these three "big" markets:
  • Health and fitness
  • Wealth and money
  • Love and relationships
However media buying can be very expensive so it's probably best that you don't start out with media buying. It's best to start off with Bing and Yahoo, try some advertizing on Facebook, throw in some solo ads and then when you have a campaign that is starting to generate sales and more importantly money then seriously think about media buys.
If you want to know more about traffic generation from some of the best people in the business then take a look at Tiny Little Businesses. Not only will you learn about getting better traffic but you'll discover how to create an entire campaign from start to finish. Using this evergreen marketing system you'll build the foundations of a successful, long term Internet business.
However before you do anything check out the totally awesome bonus I'm offering that compliments Tiny Little Businesses perfectly here at

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