Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

The 3 Most Common Mistakes Affiliate Marketers Make In Internet Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and powerful ways of earning some money online. Affiliate programs are easy to join, and gives everybody a chance to make a profit through the internet. Affiliate marketing is very popular and more people are getting involved.
However, there are lots of things which should be considered in the affiliate marketing business to avoid making mistakes. As in any business, mistakes cost money or reputation, but can be easily avoided if you do your due diligence, take advice, research the product and build your business slowly.
Mistake number 1: Choosing the wrong affiliate program.
Of course, we all want to start making money from affiliate marketing as fast as possible. However, in an attempt to start earning quickly, a popular product may be chosen, based on the commission structure and the advertising hype. Remember, if a product is popular, you will have a lot of competition in the form of other affiliates promoting it and they may have more experience than you.
A sensible approach is to choose a product which appeals to you and that you have some knowledge about. Having an interest in a product will make it easier for you to write about and promote.
Mistake number 2: Taking too much on.
Affiliate programs are easily come by, there are thousands on ClickBank alone, so it is very tempting to try and join several programs in an attempt to maximize your earnings. Nothing wrong with that, if you are experienced, but this approach can be very daunting for the newbie.
Concentrating on one product until it is producing results and earning, is a far more practical approach and will pay dividends. There is a lot to set up and manage to start with, but once it is earning, it becomes less demanding on your time and that is the opportunity to move on to the next product. If you take too many on at the start, you may find that you have six products limping along and breaking even, when you could have one product making good profits.
You should also try to promote products with a higher value and therefore, hopefully, a higher commission structure. That way you should be earning pounds and not pennies.
Mistake number 3: Trying to promote a product you know nothing about.
Your job as an affiliate is to promote and convince your customer that the product you are selling, is a quality product and it will produce the results as advertised. They are also putting their trust in you to give them an honest opinion. If you fail to convince them, then your credibility is at risk and they will probably not buy from you again.
Dozens of affiliates send me e-mails every day promoting different products and I often wonder how they can give these products such glowing reports, if they have not purchased and tested them for their own use.
My point here is that you must purchase the product yourself and test it before promoting it to your customers. If it does turn out to be a complete load of rubbish, you should be able to get your money back. Better to do this, than offend your customers by offering inferior products. Customers are the life blood of your business, so look after them.
In summary.
  • Choose wisely and be selective in the product you promote
  • Limit your selections until they start producing profits.
  • Know your market, know your product and respect your customer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7022136

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