Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Affiliate Marketing for Newbies - The Basics Every Newbie Should Know

During my times as an affiliate marketer I have come across people who desired to give a try at being an affiliate, had the resources, time and energy but didn't have the knowledge just how to start off, which encouraged me to create this article in order to share the knowledge that I have got during my time as an affiliate marketer.
Fortunately the truth is, being an online affiliate marketer is a lot easier when compared to typical business as you don't need funds to get started, the product is actually ready for marketing and there is no need to worry about logistics to get the product to your clients!
However there are several essential principles to follow if you want to get started on the right path. First of all, know and understand the product you promote. This is the number one rule in affiliate marketing business. So, learn as much as you can about the product so that you sound excited about the product you want to sell to you customers.
Get traffic! Marketing is actually a numbers game, so the higher the number of visitors you get to your site or blog, the higher income you can potentially expect. It is vital for you to have a landing page that not only is well optimized for SEO but guarantees a good conversion rate as well!
Don't neglect targeting the right keywords because this is one of the crucial things determining if your affiliate campaign turns out to be a success or failure. Remember that getting ranked high in Google for a keyword phrase may be not enough if people doing searches for this phrase are not in buying mode. The result may be thousands of page views you get on your website but along with very few sales. To sum up, when looking for keywords to target, try also to look for niches that are not too saturated and not too competitive and on the other hand giving a chance to make nice profits.
Besides, try to get a good URL address which means get an URL containing a keyword phrase you want to target since this alone may help you achieve good rankings in search engines. When you find that all.com domains for your keywords are taken, try with.org or.net. If this won't help either, don't worry and try other domains like.info. They really do work too and are way cheaper than .coms!
Don't ignore a good design for your website. If you are not good at web designing, outsource it. The impression of your website may have huge impact on your sales. If visitors like the design and feel comfortable with what they find on your website, they may buy from you. On the other hand if they don't like your website in the very first seconds, they bounce back to where they came from and never return.
Keep in mind that these are just the basics but I believe that this information alone shed some light on what is important when doing affiliate marketing.
To find out more, just visit my Affiliate Marketing blog, where you find more FREE and PROVEN guides about how to become successful at affiliate marketing

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7144413

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