Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Ways to Make Homemade Iced Coffee

During the hot summer months of midwest United States, I crave the same drink on a daily basis, iced coffee. The key to making a great iced coffee lies in several factors, the most important being the coffee is not iced down and watery! I have found that I am able to brew some of the most delicious iced coffee at home. There are a few simple steps and keys to remember, and having delicious coffee-house iced coffee at home is very possible!
First off you have to remember to keep the coffee strong. I find a dark roast coffee such as an espresso roast, or Spanish roast is best for brewing a good iced drink. The darker the roast, means the more robust the flavor, and the better the result will be. Once you find the particular roast of coffee you enjoy, the next step is brewing it properly, which can easily be done in two different ways.
The easiest, and quickest method of brewing the coffee is to simply brew a very strong pot of coffee and let it cool. This can be done by brewing the pot, letting it cool to room temperature and then storing it in the fridge over night. This is a very acceptable method to brewing a pot of iced coffee; however, it is not my preferred method for doing so.
I believe in making iced coffee, one should steep the coffee the old-fashioned way. This is down by taking the actually coffee grounds and steeping them in water. You simply take a good amount of freshly ground coffee, that has been finely ground, and pure cold water over the ground. Next you take a wooden spoon and mix together the coffee and water. You can leave this out on the counter over night to steep and become strong. The next day you simply strain the mixture into a new picture with the use of a strainer and cheese cloth. Using the cheese cloth to strain is key! Once you have strained the mixture, you can leave the strong steeped coffee liquid in the fridge for use when you would like.
The next step is deciding how you like your iced coffee. Do you prefer yours black over ice? Or maybe you like it with a little bit of milk and simple syrup? My favorite method is to mix it will a bit of sweetened condensed milk! The result is a delicious, sweet, summer treat!
Christine Rankin is a professional writer who provides information on one cup coffee makers and more for A1 Coffee Makers - your premiere online resource for fine coffee machines!

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