Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Effective Yellow Page Advertising

Yellow Page advertising has been around a long time and many chiropractors are using yellow page ads as a method for promoting their practice; however, most do a poor job in using this form of advertising. Here are some tips for more effective use of this form of advertising:
1. Use Multiple Advertisements -Spend less on one individual advertisement so that you can be listed under more than one category with multiple advertisements to get greater exposure. Of course, if you are serious about Yellow Page advertising, you must be under a heading like "chiropractor" but what about other headings where there is less competition such as:
- Fibromyalgia Treatment
- Back pain care
Although fewer people will turn to these specialized pages, there will be less, and in some cases, no competition. You might even want to consider placing an ad in a category that doesn't exist. Usually the advertising company will create a new category for you if you are willing to place an advertisement there.
2. Consider Neighborhood Publications- Today there are other yellow page editions available for local neighborhoods. Consider advertising in those publications since you are not paying to reach people far away from your practice.
3. Test all Your Ads- You must be able to measure the results from your advertising. Without measurement, you can easily waste money on advertising that doesn't work.
4. Be Smart About Ad Content- Consider this-- most chiropractor ads look the same. If you simply changed the name of the practice to any practice name, all the ads will work. Some key principles for designing results producing ads include:
· Always,Always, Always Use Direct Response Ads- Although advertising sales reps hate this idea (because it makes them accountable), you must be able to track response to an ad. To track response, you need to ask the reader of the ad to take action. For example:
- Call 555-1212 to get our FREE report
- Call 555-1212 to get a free exam. Mention this coupon
· Headlines Are Key - Every ad needs a headline. A headline is wording at the top of the ad in bold that attracts a yellow page ad reader's attention. The purpose of the headline is to get the reader to read the rest of the ad. The headline must rivet a reader's attention. Here are some examples of headlines that will work for you:
FREE Report: Ten Questions You Must Ask a Chiropractor Before Putting Your Health in Their Hands
Suffering From Back Pain?
Free Examination- Call 555-1212
Discover What Most Chiropractors Won't Tell You at Your First Exam
This type of advertising can work for you- but only if you take an approach different from the way most chiropractors use yellow pages. Call your rep and find out the next date your ad can be changed- then plan on deploying these proven Yellow Page advertising methods. This approach will create new patients for you if your results are like most chiropractors who follow these guidelines.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2829135

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