Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

How Internet Yellow Page Directories Work For Small Businesses

We've all used paper phone books. It's in a drawer or on a shelf somewhere, and when you need to find a new dentist or can't remember the name of that hardware store on the corner, or just want to order a pizza you pull it out and flip through it until you find what you're looking for. Dentists are listed under dentists, pizza is under restaurants, hardware stores are hardware stores. If you know the name of the business you can find that in the alphabetic listings.
Internet yellow page directories work in much the same way. You can search by business name or category, or by location, and some even allow you to search by distance from your home or business. But there is another way to find a business in an online directory: with a search engine.
How an Online Yellow Page Directory Helps Small Businesses Get Noticed
For a small business owner, the thought of building a website and trying to get it found in a search engine can be overwhelming. Terms like SEO and PPC are confusing, and as any business owner knows, there is very little time left at the end of the day to learn new marketing techniques, no matter how valuable they might be for future business.
But place a listing on an Internet yellow pages directory, and most of the work is done. Because of their size and the vast amounts of information they contain, they are naturally ranked high in Google and other search engines. The directories themselves actively market their listings with various advertising methods, so the small business owner doesn't have to.
The Internet is the Future of the Yellow Pages
60% of consumers turn to search engines first when researching a purchase, before ultimately buying locally. It's clear that businesses who want to stay in business can't afford to ignore online marketing, and a great first step is getting listed in an online yellow page directory.
The InAreaCode.com family of sites offers the best of all advertising worlds, combining an Internet yellow page directory with a blog where business owners can post ads, press releases, and other information for their customers. Local Internet marketing is a breeze when you don't have to worry about web design or SEO, and can instead spend your time managing your business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3412984

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