Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Want to Make Money Online But Have No Clue Where to Start?

Do you want to make an income online but have no idea what so ever of how you can begin your journey? Welcome to the club. Let me introduce you to something called affiliate marketing, one of the best ways of making money online that changed my life. What is affiliate marketing you ask? It's basically you getting paid to market and sell another person's product, yes its true and not very difficult. The best part is once you advance and excel at it you can earn a very decent income. This is not a get rich over night deal if that's what your looking for sorry to break it you but those don't exist. Many people who decide to start making money online don't realize that it's a long process that requires a lot of effort and work into it. The good news is that you do not need any prior experience to get started as long as you can open a webpage your good to go!
There are three fundamental things you will need in order to start your journey. I will explain these in the most simplest terms so that anyone will be able to understand the process. There are various products you can sell these include both physical products or digital products such as eBooks. There are many websites such amazon, ClickBank that allow you to sign up for free and become an affiliate. You do not ever handle or ship the products, as an affiliate you are simply driving traffic (visitors) and generating sales to another person's product. This is how it works, you choose from thousands of products and promote them when someone buys the product from through your special link (your affiliate link) you earn a commission. So your first step would be to sign up for these online marketplaces and become an affiliate.
Now you must promote the products you desire and get others to buy them, don't be scared its not as hard as it sounds. You simply need to catch the attention of individuals and then send them off to the marketplace under your affiliate link. In order to do this you must have your own website on which you can promote products by writing reviews and providing detailed information. So your second step would be to purchase a website domain name and web hosting (if you don't understand what I just said don't worry). The third step is the most difficult in my opinion and that is getting people to visit your website, but do not be afraid nothing is impossible. Now if your thinking it's going to cost you a fortune to get started you are wrong yet again! I will show you how to get started without spending any money or by spending less than $20 (the recommended way). Please visit this completely free online video course that will teach you everything you need and more to get started!!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7134997

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