Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

The Highest Paying Affiliate Programs

Expert Author Darren Peter Kilgariff

If you belong to an affiliate network, take a moment to think about how much you are being paid for all of your hard marketing online.
Specifically, how much money are you earning for selling affiliate network products? $20, $40? You might not feel this is too shabby, considering you are making the money passively.
But what if you took a moment to consider the fact that you could use the same effort that you're using now and make far more money per sale, when you market high paying affiliate programs. What's stopping you from doing this?
If you think that you can't make high earnings because you need special information regarding how to do so, let's take a moment to consider what's involved. You have to set up a website and purchase domains to market smaller price-point products right? You have to set up landing pages and market your sites, right?
You'll need to try to get as many targeted customers to buy the products on your site, yes? If you can execute these steps, then there is no reason why you can't sell higher price-point products on your affiliate web sites.
How do you think the super-affiliates and the six-figure affiliates make their money? Do you really think that anyone is getting rich or becoming well-off by selling $20 products? I'm not saying that this can't happen, but you'd have to work very hard to make this happen. Why put yourself through more work, when you can work smarter?
Isn't one of the benefits of affiliate marketing that you don't have to work as hard as you used to? Isn't affiliate marketing supposed to make your life easier? If you are reading this and shaking your head in agreement, then get ready to learn a little about how you can start earning more money, using the same resources and energy that you're using now.
Let's take a look at a product that can be found on Onesky.com.
Onesky.com offers customers private jet charters. Thanks to reality television and music videos, everyone knows that the wealthy and the well-connected rent private jet charters all the time. People in these economic groups don't want to be bothered with commercial flights.
They don't want the hassle of dealing with airport lines, nor do they want to travel with a bunch of strangers. Not only this, but people in theses groups love the feeling of luxury and exclusivity. They want to feel set-apart and they want to get to their destination as quickly and efficiently as possible. Most of all, they have the money to spend on private jet charters.
It would only make sense for you to reach out to this very captive audience. While the wealthy rarely book their own private jet flights, their assistants do. Why not reach out to personal assistants, executive assistants and concierge staff, in order to help wealthy passengers get booked through your affiliate program.
If the wealthy and the executive passenger is going to take a charter jet anyway, why not direct them to your affiliate service?
You can find all sorts of high-end, high paying affiliate programs. Warrior Forum is a great resource to reach out to others, in order to learn about affiliate programs that offer high-end products with high payouts. Do some snooping around.
The time that you invest in finding the highest paying affiliate programs would be time well-spent when you start getting paid a lot more money. Again, why work harder when you can work smarter with the same resources you have now?
Do you need help with making money online?Are you struggling to make serious money online?If your interested in learning about all things regarding Affiliate Marketing and to finally make money visit my Website at:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7149867

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