Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Successfully Managing a PPC Campaign

An important part of SEO optimization is PPC management. PPC stands for Pay per Click. The principal advantage of PPC is that it permits advertisers to position their advertisements very quickly after creating an account. The time period of placing an ad can be within sixty minutes.
SEO optimization of this kind is usually favored by three kinds of clients; traders regard it as an auction system and they relish the prospect of out-bidding the competition and keeping the cost of clicks to a manageable level. On the other hand, creative people love the freedom to create new advertising text and the targeting of new keywords. They always try to find new ways of getting more from PPC management for less. Technicians constitute the third kind. They find pleasure in knowing the details of AdWords campaigns. Technicians have expertise in structure and know the mechanisms of the search engine optimization trade.
First things first: for a successful PPC campaign, the concerned ad copy must be similar to the search copy as possible. If this is achieved, then fifty percent of the grunt work is already done.
If you are an advertiser, you should know that a successful Pay per Click campaign has a total of seven stages: research, keyword research, building the PPC campaign, landing pages, and tracking, measuring and reporting, campaign optimization and continuation.
The first job to do in case of PPC management is to do extensive research. This scope includes respecting the copyright laws relating to other content, Plagiarism is a strict no-go area. The second step is extensive research into keywords. Find out the words or phrase which the person concerned types into the Google search bar. Know the expenses for bidding for Pay to Click advertisements. If there is a chance for copyright violation, go to the company concerned and pay the licensing fees if required to do so.
It is the time to start building the Pay per Click campaign. Related advertising keywords were clustered into distinct groups. Each keyword was given an opening bid. Copy is to be written for adverts for each ad group. Multiple ads are to be created and split tested for each ad group.
The fourth stage of such paid SEO optimization is to create the landing pages. A landing page is the first page to appear when people click the advertisement text on the PPC advertisement. Tracking, reporting and measuring comes next. The frequency of advertisements when it appear, the click through rate and the response rates are all measured and monitored for different keywords as well for advertisement groups.
Campaign optimization is the sixth stage of the Pay per Click campaign strategy. This, honestly speaking, is never complete. The keyword data, advertisements and landing pages can be continuously tweaked and improved. Maintain continuous improvement until the desired outcome is achieved.
Remember that the main benefit of paid SEO optimizations like PPC management is flexibility. A company can instantly become visible online-compared to weeks, if not months for an organic listing.
James Winson is the author of this article. He is an expert in SEO optimization and PPC service. You can find him bicycling and urban exploring at weekends.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7143657

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