Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Visit Beautiful Papua

West Papua is a province in Indonesia with beautiful landscapes and still preserved condition. Papua Province has an area of 410,000 km starting from the lowlands to 5500 meters the highest peak. There are 25 major rivers, thousands of small rivers with a total length of 5180 km, among others in Merauke River Mining in Sarmi Memberamo River. There are many lakes, including Lake Sentani in Jayapura, Lake Yamur, Tigi Lake and Lake Paniai in Paniai district and Nabire district.
Jayapura is one of the most eastern towns in Indonesia. Located north side of the island Papua which resembles a bird's back was directly facing the Pacific Ocean. Hilly city with lots of natural scenery is very beautiful. Rich in minerals, vast forests extend to the cultural richness therein.
Lake Sentani is the largest lake in Papua, received 24 river springs and underground wells from Mount Cyclops with outlets in Tami River. Walk around the Lake Sentani tribe, Papua-Melanesian race, ethnic group, Sentani Tanamerah (Demta), sub-ethnic Sentani, Tabi cultural areas. Lake Sentani is a natural lake with hilly islands in the middle of the lake. Size is 3.63 hectare lake with a height of 75 m above sea level. At this location there is a beautiful natural landscape with a few places equipped fishing huts shaped stage. Here are found the fish fresh.
One of things that make people of Papua proud is the runway in Biak. Biak itself is an island west of Jayapura; here is the largest runway in the world with a range up to 5000M runway, much bigger than Changi or Narita. This runway was the best natural runway in the world, because the rock layers that use for this runway are very strong. This runway was make important role in world history. This runway was built by the Japanese army during the invasion to prepare Pearl Harbor in 1941. At first Eisenhower did not think that there will be at the Pearl Harbor raid, the distance to be traveled across Japan to cross the Pacific Ocean is too far. But the Japanese were preparing the base attack of this island, and eventually inevitable battle again. But the problem for the Papuans did not stop here only; 'vengeance' of the Mac Arthur was worse. In order to know where the secret of the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor, MacArthur had to explore and teach the people of Papua to get drunk, to get information about reproducing runway. An act of 'barbarians', that causes the Papuans have drunk culture, a culture that previously did not exist.
Devi Daksina Putrab

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3167435

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