Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Alchemy - Can a Study of Attempts by Alchemists to Turn Base Metal Into Gold Help You Achieve Goals?

Alchemy has been described as a unique mixture of science, religion and philosophy combined with elements of mysticism.
The ancient Alchemists were serious medieval scientists with an extensive knowledge of chemistry. Not only were they familiar with every chemical process available at the time, they made every effort to improve their expertise in this field.
They continued to experiment with a great variety of new chemical processes. As a result they were the first chemists in the Middle Ages to produce hydrochloric and nitric acid, potash, and sodium carbonate. They were also responsible for identifying the elements antimony, arsenic and bismuth.
What distinguished the ancient alchemists from other scientists at the time, was their with their burning - almost obsessive - desire to discover secret transmuting agents and chemical processes that would enable them to transform inferior base metals such as lead and iron into gold.
In striving to achieve this objective they were motivated by two factors: Firstly, their scientific curiosity and the need to demonstrate that the transmutation of inferior base metals into gold was possible, even though this was something other scientists ridiculed.
Secondly - and probably even more important - they were driven by an overpowering inner conviction that there was a strange mystical association between gold and certain spiritual values. This metaphysical approach to their work was something they never abandoned.
Alchemists were convinced that there was a symbolism between gold and important spiritual and philosophical concerns such as death, eternity and resurrection.
Because of the durability of gold and its amazing quality of permanence, Alchemists believed by changing inferior base metals into gold by secret chemical processes, they would discover the "philosopher's stone". This would provide them with the "elixir of life", a mysterious substance that would cure illnesses, lengthen life and perhaps grant immortality.
Although the Alchemists finally failed in their attempts to transform inferior base metals into gold, the scientific world owes a great deal to these medieval scientific discoverers.
Not only did these medieval scientific investigators influence the development of scientific study in the field of chemistry, they also made a significant contribution to psychology and philosophy.
Jung's assessment of the importance of Alchemy,
The eminent psychologist Jung recognized the role spiritual and psychological influenced played in the work of the alchemists and made the following favorable comments about alchemy in his essay "The Ego and the Unconscious".
"It would be an unpardonable depreciation of value if were to accept 
the current view and reduce the striving of the alchemists to the level 
of the smelting furnace. Certainly this aspect belonged to it. It 
represented the beginnings of early chemistry. But it also had a 
spiritual side which from the psychological standpoint must never 
be underestimated...."
It is also interesting to reflect on the fact although the ancient alchemists never managed to achieve their goal of changing inferior base metals, scientific advances may one day prove that it technically possible.
All seawater contains gold in solution. Seawater yields about one gram of gold per ton. It is at present technically possible, but not commercially viable, to extract gold from seawater. Perhaps modern scientists may one day discover a method that may make it possible to produce this form of gold profitably.
What can you learn from a study of Alchemy?
Is there any way an in-depth study of the fascinating, mysterious art of alchemy can help you achieve personal goals you have set yourself?
There is every indication this is a worthwhile project. Obviously a brief article of this nature cannot hope to cover this vast subject in any depth, but there are two valuable lessons that even a brief study of the ancient art of alchemy will reveal.
Firstly, it is clear that in order to achieve any goal that have set yourself, your motivation to succeed must be so strong you have to ignore every form of discouragement you encounter - as the alchemists' were forced to do - and pursue your goal with the same passion and enthusiasm.
The second important lesson even a cursory study of Alchemy will reveal, is the following:
It makes no difference in what field you hope to achieve the goal you have set yourself - science, business, art, music, sport, literature, any form of craft, or any other field - it is essential for you to improve your technical expertise to the absolute limit.
If you are interested in finding out more about Alchemy and how this mysterious ancient art can help you to think more creatively, visit the following website: http://www.creativemindpowers.com.
by Dennis Fisher.
Dennis Fisher is managing director of financial and investment Companies. In addition to his involvement in different fields of business, his interests include an in-depth study of alchemy and psychology.
To find out more about powerful techniques that will enhance creative thinking and creative power visit his site http://www.creativemindpowers.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4346925

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