Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Success in Affiliate Marketing - What Makes the Difference Between Success and Failure?

I went to a phenomenal leadership conference this week.
Whenever you get to go to a leadership conference or just get to be in the presence of people who can truly inspire and make things happen, sit up and take notice!
When you get to listen to others who have inspired their people: employees/team to greatness
people who have turned failure into success and who have inspired others to do the same...
people who have laughed at obstacles and turned them into stepping stones...
people who have turned frowns into smiles... their own and other people's...
people who have been so determined to see something through to the end in spite of hurdles, setbacks and obstacles...
sit up, take notice and have taken a pen and notebook at the ready...
Like we said before not everybody is going to make money from affiliate marketing and from their blog.
But everyone CAN.
That's the truth, everybody, young, old, employed, broke, people with web design experience, people with none, outgoing people, introverts...
Everybody can learn to make money online whether it's a few dollars or a full fledged income online by following a few simple steps.
Note I said a few simple steps but I didn't say it was dead easy. But the thing is that these few steps can make you a few dollars or a six figure income but you have to make up your mind which kind of income you want. You are going to be using the same steps anyway...
Success in affiliate marketing then...
What makes the difference between the person who makes money in affiliate marketing (or any venture for that matter) and the person who doesn't?
What makes the difference between the person who gets people to sign up and can lead with aplomb and the one who doesn't?
What makes the difference between success and failure?
Do you know?
And if you do know, are you going to use that knowledge to propel you to even greater success?
It's not just that these affiliate marketers (or other successful people) refuse to give up... that's just one part of it. These entrepreneurs, have a vision - call it what you will - a vision, a dream, a greater plan and so they look at everything they set out to do with a different perspective.
It's sort of like looking at the forest instead of the trees so...
It's not just about getting more leads...
It's not just about getting more sales...
It's not just about getting more followers...
It's not just about following a few steps...
Though all of the above are indeed important...
It's really about seeing their contextual role from a different perspective; the perspective that inspires them to greater heights, greater expectations; greater strength - both mental, physical and emotional...
The difference in perspective and learning to view hurdles and setbacks from another standpoint - one that fits within their goal set these entrepreneurs from the rest.
No matter who happens within their businesses, the triumphs and the setbacks, they kept on striving to achieve whatever vision - large scale, overarching vision- that they have in mind!
Do you know why they are able to do this?
Because they have managed to create a new framework based on the perspective with which they see and are building their vision!
That is what makes the difference between successful entrepreneurs and those who "fail".
When referring to those who fail, I simply mean those who had no vision for themselves or their businesses or those who gave up BEFORE they realised their vision.
Please keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with changing or tweaking your vision or you mini-goals to achieve the vision as you move along. That's the joy of doing any venture in life!
As you gain more knowledge, more experience and are aware of what you can do - what is possible, there really is nothing stopping you or standing in your way.
The obstacles will disappear.
Now you know exactly what makes the difference between success and failure in any venture.
So now to bring it back to you and your business?
How can you change your perspective to create a new framework for your new business?
One that keeps you going, one that inspires people to want to be on your team and work with you, one that inspires people to want to hear what you have to say, one that inspires people to achieve what they never even thought was possible... until they changed their perspective?
That's exactly what we discuss on my site so you are quite welcome to visit and see how it's done. Now that you know what it makes the difference between success and failure in affiliate marketing, visit http://www.empowernetworth.com where you can sign up to receive 100% commissions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7125259

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