Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Smart Exercises for Those Who Work on the Road

A lot of people think courier driving jobs are easy. After all, you are sitting down in a comfy seat for most of the day, so how hard could it be?
Of course the reality is a lot different to this. You'll be in and out of the cabin all day, up and down stairs, in and out of buildings and carrying all manner of parcels. Hence it makes sense to get as fit as you can. This will make the job easier and also provide you with an opportunity to become a more efficient courier.
With that in mind, here are some ways to make sure you get fitter and are better able to do your courier driving jobs.
Focus on upper body exercises
Your upper body - specifically your arms and shoulders - will go through a lot of hard work lifting parcels every day. They won't all be heavy or awkward but the stronger you are the easier they will all be to lift and deliver.
You don't have to hit the gym every day but it does make sense to work on some basic exercises at home. Think about getting some dumbbells of different weights and use them regularly, working up from the lighter ones to the heavier ones. Alternatively you could try cycling in your spare time. This can help develop your arm muscles, not to mention your legs and aerobic capabilities as well.
Strengthen your leg muscles
There are plenty of ways to do this. Even though you are tackling courier driving jobs you'll still put in a lot of walking each day. The easier you find it, the more enjoyable your job will be.
There are plenty of methods for strengthening your leg muscles and some of them can be built into your daily routine. For example, if you have to deliver a package to the third floor of a building, take the stairs instead of the lift. After a week or two you'll start to notice the difference. You'll get less tired during the day as well. Another method for building up these muscles is to take a daily walk before you start work. Either that, or fit in a wind down walk when you get home. Walking can be very cathartic, and half an hour spent completing a circuitous walk near your home can be the perfect way to relax after you finish your day's work.
To begin with it will feel like hard work and you'll probably feel more tired than usual. But if you start slowly and build up gradually, you'll soon start to feel better for it. Many people who exercise first thing in the morning say it makes them feel more energised during the day. Perhaps you can fit in some exercising like this to make your courier driving jobs more enjoyable too.
Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier driving jobs in the express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

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