Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Security Is Your Friend When Your Friends Are Secure

So, you run into an old friend at a concert who you haven't seen in years. The music is loud and he or she is in a hurry, so you agree to catch up over lunch next week. Later, you realize that the number you've got is way out of date. Now what?
Why not call a friend who knows your long-lost buddy and get the number from them? Problem solved!
In our personal lives, there's nothing wrong with that. But when it comes to mobile, it illustrates why both you and your long-lost friend need robus security on your phones. Here's why:
Every time you download an app, you grant the developer permissions to access certain kinds of data. A mapping application will certainly ask for permission to access your location data. A communications app will likely need some ability to see your phone or messaging logs. If it's a contact management app, you probably wouldn't think twice about allowing the developer to store contacts from your phone on their servers. For the most part, this is all fairly straightforward and not surprising at all.
What might surprise you is what happens to those permissions when the app you've downloaded has the ability to show ads.
Ad networks are critically important members of the mobile app ecosystem. If it weren't for them, many developers would have no way to make money for all their hard work. What many casual users don't realize, however, is that ad networks get access to the same permissions you've given to the app itself.
The good ad networks (and we mean the vast, vast majority) aren't doing anything with those permissions that you need to worry about. However, there are a few that take advantage of those permissions to send spam messages to your friends, sell their numbers and more.
If you've got a security solution on your phone that is aware of the ad networks that can access your data, your contacts are protected from this kind of nastiness. But what about you?
Remember that YOUR information is likely on every one of your friends' phones. If they don't have a security app like you do, your phone number and social data could be at risk whenever they download an app with an aggressive ad network.
So be a real friend and get your friends to download and use a security app that protects you from bad ad networks. It's good for them... and for you.
TrustGo Mobile Security protects you from viruses and malware, plus risky ad networks that can compromise your data and your privacy.
Or learn more at http://www.trustgo.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7155718

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