Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Make Sure You Understand Affiliate Internet Marketing Before Dismissing It As An Income Stream

Expert Author Barbara Joyce Gabogrecan

First of all, affiliate internet marketing is nothing like AdWords... you can use AdWords to promote affiliate product if you wish, but Google has made this more and more difficult. They do not like to see dozens of people promoting the same product that links to the same Landing page provided by the affiliate internet marketing vendor.
I believe affiliate internet marketing is most suitable for small business, particularly the home based business operator. These operators usually network fairly extensively and 'word of mouth' marketing is a natural occurrence. If you know of a great product, piece of software, business book etc. you are more than likely to tell others about it.
If what you are promoting has an affiliate internet marketing program attached, then it seems only sensible to join up as an affiliate (it is always free) and when you refer people to your affiliate link you can then earn a commission on any sales made.
The only thing to be wary of is which network the owner of the affiliate product is using; some have high fees and if you do not make regular sales you may find over time that it costs you more than you make (this is certainly the case with one of the most highly used networks, ClickBank).
In my case, where I assist and support the home based business sector build websites that can actually be marketing tools and not just glorified brochures, I promote reasonably priced software that allows them to do just about everything that they would want in a powerful website.
If they want to build the website or maintain it themselves, they need similar software to what I use. I recommend it to them and if they decide to buy it, we get a commission as we are part of their affiliate program. It has certainly worked well for me. I also have signed up as an affiliate for the hosting, registration of domain names and autoresponder; tools that every successful website has to have.
When affiliate marketing product is used in conjunction with the product or services that you are already offering for sale, it really does increase your overall income stream. If you are still feeling unsure of what type of affiliate product to sell, why not ask an expert or someone who is successful with affiliate marketing?
Most people are happy to share their information and expertise with others, as long as they feel that you are sincere and wanting to learn (and not simply taking advantage of them). They may even provide you with a list of product that they find to be of high quality and will provide a good commission.
Barbara Gabogrecan is an artist, author, entrepreneur and supporter of the home based business sector. She supports a large membership base by providing a huge number of marketing and promotional services, many of which are free. http://www.homebasedbusinessaustralia.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7145468

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